Something they love about you

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(Skipping Loki, I couldn't think of a good one and I don't want to give you a half assed preference)

Preference 13

Steve: There's something about you when you're near children, you just kinda glow. Kids are just drawn to you. They want to play with you, or will stop crying. The children's mothers thank you profusely, but you don't know how you do it. Steve loves this about you, he thinks you're a sort of fairy godmother.

Bruce: You are incredibly calm, in every situation. Whether it's in the lab, or getting bad news, when "the other guy" comes to visit. He loves how you can always keep everything in check and stay completely calm until after the "catastrophe"

Tony: Being at a lot of parties with Tony made you very susceptible to unwanted attention. Tony can't help but love your unending loyalty. He watched one evening as you smoothly told off an advancing patron.

"Hey doll, you wanna dance?"

"Nah, I'm good,"

"You wanna get a drink then?"

"Nah, I'm good,"

"Come on doll, work with me here,"

"Nah, I'm good,"

Clint: "Babe I don't know why you chose to be a nurse, you born to be a singer," he's say. You often sang with him when he played guitar. He always said that you have the voice of an angel. In the children's hospital where you work, you sing for the sick kids when they cry or can't sleep.

Thor: He loves your wisdom. He often takes you to visit Asgard to see the lush gardens and spend time with his family. His mother enjoyed spending time with you and discussing vast topics of history and morality. While Thor's father actually seeks your council on political relations. Thor loves how you can just so easily take in the facts and process them into good choices and advice.

Bucky: There's an old proverb, that patience is a virtue. And that's true, Bucky loves your patience. From his night terrors, to the occasional broken household item from the metal arm. You never get angry. You never leave him. You are patient, and loving and never let him go through times alone.

Natasha: One of the things that keeps your relationship alive is your forgiveness. Unmatched by anyone Natasha's ever met. She'll be away for months then come home and be moody, but you forgive her and take care of her. She'll get frustrated and yell at you, but you always forgive her. She loves that about you. You're so willing to forgive.

Pietro: He loves your ability to laugh. Make the best of any situation. There's always a bright side, always a good aspect. Nothing is ever 100% a bad thing. Your aunt past away, at least she won't have to suffer anymore. You lost you job, at least you won't have to deal with your mean boss anymore.

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