He(She) gets hurt

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Preference 23

Steve: You came home from work very late that night, Tony left you a million papers to fill out. Not that you really minded, you loved your job, this just happened to be one of the more mundane days. You caught the subway home, kindly accepting the seat offered to you by a man in a purple shirt. When you got home, you didn't turn on any lights and tried not to make noise in case Steve was already asleep. But when you went into the bathroom, you were met with a surprise. Steve was sitting on the floor, up against the bath tub with an ice pack on his knee, and another on his head. He nursed a bloody nose, and dropped the soiled paper towels into a plastic bag.
"Hey baby," he said with a light laugh.
"Honey!" You shouted dropping your purse.
"It's not that bad," he assured you.
"Not that bad? You're bleeding everywhere. What happened?" You stood up and grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink.
Still in your skirt suit from work, you slapped on a pair of gloves and took over holding the napkin and pinching the bridge of his nose.
"I love you," he said out of no where.
"I love you too, but until this stops bleeding you won't get any kisses from me," you giggled.
"That's fair," he let out a chuckle.

Bruce: He somehow always lands up breaking fingers in the dumbest ways. He slammed his hand in the car door. Spun around with his arms out and cracked them against a wall. Clint tried to teach him to shoot. And somehow. Somehow he came home with not one. Not two. But three broken fingers.

Tony: That crazy man is constantly electrocuting himself. Or burning a limb with soldering iron. But he never does anything about it. The crazy bastard leaves the wound open. Untreated. Completely disregarded. It terrifies you

Clint: He came home from a mission one night, wheeled in on a gurney through your SHEILD ER room. A concussion, broken ankle, and three cracked ribs. And that little fucked just turned and said, "Honey, I'm home,"
You were half tempted to smack him.

Thor: Thor hurts himself in little ways. Bumping his head on ceilings that are too low. Accidentally turning around to quickly in a tight space, knocking over something breakable. It's silly, and he always feels bad about it, but you think it's funny and tell him to laugh it off.

Loki: He came staggering in to the apartment, clutching his
side. "What did you do?"
"One of your Midgardian transporters hit me,"
"Transporters. Big, heavy, four wheels."
"You man a car?"
"Yes. That. I was crossing the road and it made a loud angry noise and then slammed into me. What an arse."
"You shock your head,"

Bucky: *Warning a little Graphic*
What people don't know about Bucky's prosthetic arm is that the portion of skin where, the flesh fades to metal, is very sensitive. So whenever he takes any sort of hit to the left shoulder, even something as simple as hitting a door frame, he relives the sensation of the skin tearing and muscles in his triceps and deltoid being forcibly torn from each other. He describes it as ghost pains, being able to feel the limb being torn off even though it isn't there.

Natasha: It was late, as usual. And Natasha was beyond exhausted, and frustrated with the company of men. She didn't even go into HQ after getting back into the states after her mission, because she couldn't be bothered with talking to any of her male teammates or directors. So she trudged up the many flights of stairs to get to your shared apartment. She regretted not taking the elevator, because every movement made the bullet wound in her shoulder ache that much more. Self treated gun shot wounds always seem to hurt more than the others.
You were asleep in the apartment, but woke up when you heard someone shuffling around in bathroom.
"Tasha?" You called out
"In here Bubbles,"
You climbed out of bed, and slinked into the bathroom in your socks.
She sat on the edge of tub, changing the bandage one more time before going to bed.
"You're hurt," you said sadly
"Yeah, but it's not bad babe. I promise,"

Pietro: "Stop running in the house," you shouted at your boyfriend.
"(Y/n)! I have to find it or Wanda is gonna kill me!" He stopped just long enough to shout back.
"I don't care! Stop running in my house! You're gonna get hu-"
"Motherfucker!" He howled in pain.
"If you broke whatever you just smashed into, I'm gonna kick your white ass back to Sokovia!" You yelled, rushing over to make sure he was actually okay.
He sustained a minor injury from his collation with the door frame, a stubbed toe.

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