Valentines Day

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Happy Valentine's Day my loves! I want to let you all know that I love you so so much! And if you don't have a sweetheart this Sunday, at least you've got me. Well me and our heroes, because they love you too!

Preference 29

Steve: You go swing dancing for Valentines Day every year. Well actually you go quite often, but always on February 14th. There's actually a Swing Club close to where you live, it's full of elderly men and women who are still able bodied and love to dance. Of course, Steve being Captain America, and being 90-something years "young" as he says, he still gets a senior discount.

Tony: He's rich. Plain and simple. He takes pleasure in buying nice things for you. So Valentines Day is shopping day for you too. Of course, you aren't greedy so you don't go over the top with your spending but it is nice to know that you CAN afford that sexy dress at the mall. ;)

Bruce: He likes to keep things simple on Valentine's Day. So he buys you a bouquet of flowers and tells you how much he loves you. And you'll cook an awesome meal for the both of you, and that will be that. Your relationship is based on little acts of love, and silent reminders of that. Not grandiose displays of affection that take too much money and effort to plan, which are ultimately forgotten within a week.

Clint: He is a hopeless romantic. So you get the stereotypical Valentines Day treatment. Wine, home cooked dinner, candles, the sexay times later.

Thor: He loves Valentine's Day! Because you have cookies, and gets to help. Sort of... He gets to decorate them, and eat them.

Loki: Loki doesn't understand any Midgardian holidays to be honest. But he does understand you are supposed to demonstrate to your partner, the affections you hold of them. So he buys you your favorite take out food and legs you pick whatever you want to watch

Natasha: Holidays are very important to you. Natasha understands that. Holidays are family days. She makes a point to be home on as many holidays as possible, but especially Valentine's Day.

Bucky: It's a big deal for him to give you tangible and memorable things. It kind of keeps him grounded and reminds him that you really do love him. And it's nice for you, because you get to see his creative side blossom, and the happiness he gets from your smiles and excitement.

Pietro: This Valentine's Day, you and Pietro promised not to spend any money on this "fake holiday". You broke that rule just a little, you bought some really awesome champagne. But there was no romantic, dinner or lovey dovey kissing like all the other basic couples. Oh no. All curtains drawn, doors locked. And the trashy dance music goes on. Dancing, singing, lip syncing, all of it. You dance around in a sport bra and yoga pants because you gotta be comfy when you do this shit. Other people might say that you only do this because you have no money, or because you don't really love each other. But to be honest, what's a better display of love than letting your partner here your terrible singing voice and trashy (totally awful versions of "cool trashy") dance moves?
(Music selection: Come on, by Ke$ha)

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