Hidden Talent

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Preference 35

Steve: Make up. Even though it was 70 something years ago, he still remembers learning to do eyeliner, proper shading, and contouring from the show girls. When you have to get fancy you go somewhere, Steve does your make up.

Tony: Singing. Normally he's jammin' out to rock music, but there have been certain, very rare occasions when you've caught him singing softly, sweetly, in the most angelic voice. Those are moments you'll never in your life tell anyone you witnessed.

Bruce: Sports. Tony doesn't believe you. But Bruce is the most athletic nerd. Ever. He's good at Baseball, basketball, volleyball, tennis, golf, soccer, all of it.

Clint: Photography. Clint takes professional grade pictures, they're amazing.

Thor: Gardening. He's got a bit of a green thumb. He spent a weekend helping you landscape your backyard. He picked the nicest arrangements of flowers, and bushes and trees.

Loki: Sewing. It's not that it was a secret or anything. But one day you ripped a brand new dress, he told you to take it off and that he would fix it. The stitching was so neat and clean you couldn't even tell there was ever a rip.

Bucky: Drawing. You never would have known, except that one day while you were cleaning the apartment you opened a drawer at the bottom Bucky's dresser, thinking it would be full of junk or something. It had a sketchbook and really nice shading pencils. You took a moment and sat on the floor to flip through the sketch book. He had drawn some pretty amazing stuff, but most impressive was, an obviously fictitious drawing of you and Bucky looking into each other's eyes.

Natasha: Giving massages. Natasha has magic hands. She gives the best massages when your shoulders hurt, when you're stressed, if you pulled a muscle.

Pietro: Impressions. It is borderline terrifying that he can imitate people's voices so well, and so quickly. Scares the absolute shit out of you when he uses you Dad's voice in your apartment. "(Y/n) what do you think you're doing!". Of course he thinks it's hilarious

Quick Note: I've decided not to do the mini series we talked about, not enough responses.
Also I've canceled the One Shot for Thor I was working on. I wasn't able to make it the way I wanted it to be.
If you'd like to see a new preference or one shot just let me know.
I'd really like to do more preferences!

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