Video Games

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(If I'm wrong about any of this, please don't comment. I don't know anything about video games. That's my best fiends department, she's the cool one guys)

Preference 31

Steve: Unfortunately Steve missed out on the birth of the Internet, and the crazy wonderful experience that is video games. Steve may look young but he's still a bit of a Grandpa when it comes to complicated pop culture technology. He often watches you play though. He wonders about why people enjoy games that promote violence and war. You always tell him it doesn't that it's fighting the good fight and saving the world and such. He still doesn't understand and doesn't necessarily approve but he won't tell you no, or try to stop you.

Tony: What gaming system does he NOT have? He even has one of the original Nintendo 64 consoles. And games for it. And it still works!! Granted he prefers newer games like Bioshock and Halo, but he still has them!

Bruce: Don't tell anyone but Bruce loves Call Of Duty! It's his guilty pleasure.

Clint: He's not a huge fan of video games. They're fun for a bit but he doesn't like playing them everyday for hours on end. Although he did have a brief period of time where he played Elder Scrolls everyday. But that ended soon when the game got a little old and no longer offered anything new and exciting.

Thor: It's hilarious to come home and find Thor playing very lame Wii games. You don't have the new Wii, no you have the original Wii. That comes with Wii Sport and nothing else. You bought the cheapest games you could find when you initially got it. The Wii distracts him very easily. He is currently working his way through the game New Super Mario Bros.

Loki: Assassins Creed. Everyday. Every game. He is a big fan.

Bucky: He likes the idea of video games. He actually really enjoys playing them. The only problem is, he tends to get too excited and breaks controllers with the bionic arm.

Natasha: She doesn't play often. Mostly because it infuriates her. In real life she is physically incapable of missing a shot. But in video games it's like she's looking through a kaleidoscope. She couldn't hit a target if it was right in front of her. Where as you on the other hand, are a master at video games. There is no stopping you. Needless to say you don't play much with Nat.

Pietro: Back in Sokovia, he and his family didn't have a lot of money. They didn't even own a TV let alone any sort of gaming system. So when he came to America, he got all the goodies to catch up on everything he's missed. It's become one of his favorite pastimes, beside breaking treadmills, and snuggling with you.

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