One Shot: Rockabye Baby- Pietro

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AN: If you don't like kids or don't want to get married or whatever. Then please don't read this chapter, or just don't comment your opinion. It hurts my feelings when people say those kind of thing on my stories. Same goes for when I make details about hair color or something like that. If it's not what you like then please change it in your head, not in my comments section.

One Shot 12

It's a sad thing in life, that children get caught in war zones. Pietro is an example of that, and he's 25 and still hasn't fully recovered from the trauma.
You are in the middle of a mission, rescuing hostages being held in their homes.
"(Y/n) get in there. Those peoples lives depend on it," Tony shouted through the coms.
"I can't just go busting in their Tony, they might shoot the hostages," you replied trying to find a better access point to the run down apartment building.
Suddenly a gust of wind shoved you forward a bit, your "more than a friend" Pietro was standing at your side.
"If I run in there and make a distraction, you can come in after and kill them," he said. You nodded, and he have your hand a quick squeeze before disappearing once again.
Muffled sounds came from inside the apartment, and you had just opened the door when you heard the first gun shot.
But it didn't stop you. You barreled through the door, and looked only briefly to see Pietro struggling to force the assailant to drop his gun.
The civilian man was screaming in a language you couldn't understand. But you assumed it was about his wife, who had just been shot in the face and was lying dead on the floor.
You tried to make the man stand up but he was in shock and could not follow your directions.
Pietro finally knocked out the attacker, and sunk to the floor. You took a moment to catch your breath, and in that same moment. Locked eyes with Pietro.
Silently asking him, you okay? He nodded briefly, and was about to throw you a cheeky grin until another sound reached your ears.
The civilian man cocked the gun the attacker has dropped. Your head whipped around, just in time to watch as the man blew his brains out.
You couldn't help the little scream that escaped your lips, or the little jump.
Pietro was at your side in an instant, holding your shoulders. You had never watched someone take their own life before. And it was haunting.
You turned to Pietro and rested your head on his shoulder, your face still stunned from everything that had just happened. But it wasn't over yet.
In the next room a sound you did not expect to hear came screeching forth. The sound of a baby crying.
You made your way into the other room, followed quietly by Pietro.
The room was small, and was clearly a nursery. The baby wailed in its little crib. Suddenly a switch flipped in your brain. Your feet propelled you forward, and your stopped at the edge of the crib.
Reaching down your scooped up the red faced infant.
"Aw no, honey. Don't cry. Don't cry,"
You cradled the baby against your shoulder bouncing him very gently and patting his little baby back. You turned back to face Pietro. His face only registered to you as sad.
"Come on," you whispered. "We have to get him out of here,"
"Here," Pietro said coming towards you with his arms outstretched. "I'll run us back to the base camp,"
You nodded but said, "be careful I have to hold him and you"
So very carefully, you wrapped a blanket around the baby and held him against your chest. And let Pietro pick you up.
The air around you broke into wins. You did your best to shield your face and the baby's body.
Upon arriving at the base you found Maria Hill trying to coordinate the attacks and doing damage control.
She told you to get on the plane, with the baby. The Avengers cant do anymore here, and it would be best if he left immediately.

2 weeks later

The baby came back with the Avengers to the United States. And because you saved him you had to take care of him. At least until you found a good home for him.
Tony had argued with you over this immensely.
But you ultimately won out.
Pietro, also feeling responsible for saving the child, helped you care for him.
Natasha was helping to find a good home for the baby. Screening couples that had been selected to adopt him. You trusted no one else with this task. But meeting Natasha's standards was tough so it was taking a few weeks.

Pietro had begun staying with you in your room to help you when the baby cried at night. But this time you woke up first, and picked up the baby before Pietro was up.
"Shhh shhh shhh, don't cry," you soothed. The baby stopped wailing but still whimpered against your shoulder. You began singing, very softly, and bouncing the baby gently.
Pietro rolled over in the bed, and opened his eyes to watch you tend to the tiny baby.
"You are a wonderful mother," he said. You met his eyes and smiled sadly.
"But he's not my baby... I don't even know his real name,"
Pietro got up and moved slowly to you, placing his hands on your hips and swaying gently with you.
The baby had stopped crying, was now just sleeping in your arms. Pietro was still holding you close, sharing a moment in each other's eyes.
He tilted his head with a smile, and laid a kiss on your forehead. "For now he is our baby. So we can pick his name,"
"Let's call him Luke," you whispered.
"That's a good name," he replied, kissing your head once more.
You turned out of his arms and leaned back over the cradle wall to lay baby Luke back down.
Pietro gathered you into his arms and carried you back into bed.

Another 2 weeks later

Natasha had finally found a good couple to take Luke.
"(Y/n) why don't you bring Luke and Pietro down here to meet them," she said over the phone.
"Are you sure they're the ones?"
"I'm positive (y/n),"
So you Pietro and baby Luke made your way down to the floor with all the offices.
Natasha was right the couple was wonderful, but the moment came when the new mother asked you gently,
"May I hold him?"
Sadness rushed over you, but you knew this had to happen. So you extended your arms and placed baby Luke in hers.
Her and her husband looked so happy. Holding baby Luke, greeting him with smiles and kind words. You bit your lip, because you promised yourself you wouldn't cry.
Pietro laced his finger through yours under the table. He had the same pained look on his face.
The papers were signed, and baby Luke's things packed into their car.
The new father shook your hand and thanked you profusely. That made you feel better, but the dull ache in your heart still needed to be addressed.
Back upstairs, in the privacy of your room you let a few tears slide down your cheeks. Pietro wrapped his arms around you from behind and rested his head on your back.
"Darling, you will know the joy of having children again,"
"You don't know that," you replied sadly "We almost die. Everyday."
"But one day we will stop. Step down from all this. I'll take you away from New York and give you everything you want," he promised
"You would marry me? And take me away from all the fighting we live through?"
"Of course I would," he replied.
"Because I love you,"

An: I'm sorry if there's any weird mistakes in this chapter. My phone has a glitch that makes typing really difficult. So I apologize!!

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