"Chapter 1: Home Sweet Mansion"

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It was Wednesday June 16th, 2016, three days after the Armageddon Squad had moved into Leonardo Marchetti's mansion and renamed the house from Marchetti Manor to Armageddon Estate, Hayato Suzuki was in the mansion's indoor gym with his fiancee Maja Mackinzie, his stepsister Kohane Ito, and her girlfriend Alejandra Martinez. 

Hayato was doing upside down sit-ups while Maja used the squat rack, Kohane was using the treadmill, and Alejandra was using the Stairmaster but then their friends came into the room, Carlito Hernandez who is called Carlos by his friends, Diondre Lewis, Mirlande Dzere, and Connor Andersson stood at the door and Hayato said, "We're kinda busy here guys." Carlos then said, "Yo holmes, Lily and Lucy wanna see you guys in the living room." Hayato then unbuckled his legs from the pull-up bar and climbed down while Maja put the barbell back on the rack and Kohane and Alejandra simply turned off their machines and they all went to the living room and there, they saw their other friends, Lucille "Lucy" Watanabe and her younger sister Lillian "Lily" Watanabe, they were the heads of The Armageddon Squad Alliance's Science and Engineering team. 

Lily said, "Hey guys, we need to talk." Maja asked, "What's wrong?" and Lucy answered, "This place." and then she told them, "We did some number crunching and I found out that this place is hemorrhaging money." Hayato and his friends exclaimed, "WHAT?!" and Lucy continued, "Yeah, we're serious! With the water, sewage, electricity, and gas bills plus you guys spending a lot on stuff for the house and the money owed from back property taxes. At this rate, you guys are gonna lose this house and go broke." Lily then said, "So we talked it over and we agreed that The Armageddon Squad is gonna have to start franchising." 

Hayato then said, "No, we're not doing that ever." and Lucy said, "Look guys, lots of good heroes have franchised and have their own merchandising, like The Avenger-" Hayato then interrupted her and said, "You wanna know who franchised and sold merchandise? Toshinori Yagi, aka All Might. And you wanna know what happened? He fucking abandoned me and my mother because he chose fame over family!" Lily replied, "Yeah but you still bought his merchandise." and Hayato said, "Yeah because my own mother wiped my memory of him and I didn't even know he was my father until last month!" Lucy then replied, "Look Hayato, I know he abandoned you but you can't stay mad at him forever and if You or Your Friends are gonna go legit with this hero thing then you need to start franchising and merchandising." Hayato then said, "Alright fine. But how the hell are we gonna do this?" and Lucy said, "You let us take care of that." 

Later that day in the evening, Hayato and Maja were outside sitting on the bench in the mansion's backyard playing fetch with their dog, a Siberian Husky named Fergus and Hayato said, "I just don't know if this is a good idea Maja, I mean I like the idea of selling merchandise but...I don't know..." and Maja replied, "Look Hayato, I know you have doubts but we have to do this if we want to have a bright future for us and our child." and Hayato said, "I know but I'm just afraid that I'll end up letting the fame and fortune go to our heads and we'll lose sight of the important things in our life." 

He then rubbed Maja's still flat but fit belly and Maja said, "I know, love. But that won't happen as long as we just be careful with how we spend our time and money together." Hayato replied, "You're right." and then He kissed Maja and Fergus came back with the ball in his mouth and Hayato took it and threw it again and then Maja asked, "Hayato, when are we gonna get married?" Hayato's eyes widened and he blushed and asked, "W-why are you already asking about that?" and she answered, "Well it's just that I feel like we're closer more than ever and I feel like maybe if we got married, our souls would merge, and we'd be completely whole and be an example of true love." Hayato then felt a warm feeling in his body and said, "You know what, I'm thinking we should get married on your birthday since we got engaged on my birthday." Maja then got happy and replied, "That's a great idea Hayato!" and Hayato asked Her, "So...wanna get busy on this bench or in that gazebo over there?" and Maja blushed and answered, "Maybe let's not do that with Fergus here..." 

Meanwhile inside the house, Connor was sitting next to Mirlande in the game room playing Punch Out for the Wii and he was on the Aran Ryan level and after Connor selected him, Aran Ryan's in-game model said, "Ye don' look Irish!" and Mirlande said, "Oh I did not just hear him say that to you." and Connor said, "I'm more Irish than him!" and Connor started the level and played until he beated Aran Ryan and Connor said, "If yer so Irish then why weren't you fightin' like one?" and Mirlande said, "You showed him baby." and she kissed him and said, "Now it's my turn." and Connor gave her the controls. 

Meanwhile in another part of the game room, Diondre was playing Carlos in Pool while Kohane was playing Alejandra in Air Hockey and Diondre said, "I think franchising is a good idea but first we need to tie up a big loose end." and Carlos asked, "Like what?" and Diondre replied, "We need to take that wall down." Alejandra then asked, "Yeah, we should but why are you thinking about that?" and Kohane asked, "Shouldn't you be happy that You, Carlos, Jordan, and Jamal are finally out of the hood?" and Diondre replied, "Look, every man like me wishes to get out of the hood but sometimes that isn't enough. Sometimes people want a little bit of the hood to stay with them or visit every now and then to remind them of who they are and where they came from and as a man who has his own place to live now, I expect my parents to drop in anytime they want unexpectedly but with this damn wall, they can't do that, I gotta fucking invite them myself." Carlos then said, "I hear ya ese, that's what I expected too." 

Diondre then hit the cue ball, but it missed and accidentally hit the eight ball into the pocket, and he groaned in disappointment and Carlos said, "Hey Kohane, you're Hayato's sister, maybe you can talk to him about that wall situation." Kohane then said, "Ok I'll try but I'm probably just gonna tell it to Maja since it kinda feels like he'd rather hear from her than me." 

Alejandra then hit the puck into Kohane's goal and Alejandra cheered but Kohane groaned in disappointment before cursing under her breath in Japanese and Alejandra playfully stuck her tongue out at her in a teasing manner and Kohane said, "For that, I'm sleeping in full pajamas tonight, you can sleep naked by yourself." Alejandra replied, "Well sorry, it's not my fault you got distracted by Carlos." Kohane then said, "You're right and I'm sorry for being mean to you. I'll make it up to you in bed tonight ~" Alejandra replied, "Thank you." and Kohane said, "I'mma go play on the Playstation." and she left.

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