"Chapter 3: Walter's Wall Phase II"

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Lily then unfroze and hugged Mr. Armageddon in relief and he said, "Woah! There's no need for that!" 

Lily then let go of him and replied, "S-sorry but thank you though." Mr. Armageddon then said, "You shouldn't thank me, it's my fault for giving you just a gun and nothing else." Lily replied, "No no it's okay, you didn't know if that would happen." Mr. Armageddon said, "Y-yeah but...it did, and you almost died because of my poor insight. I should've used my future vision before we left, then I would've been able to prepare you for this situation." 

Lily then said, "At least you were able to save me when you did." Mr. Armageddon replied, "Yeah, because Maja would fucking murder me if she found out I let you die on my watch." 

He then saw two other Guards rushing towards the shrub they were at and he immediately shot them both with his FN FAL Rifle and then he grabbed the first dead Guard's gun and emptied the cylinder and gave the bullets to Lily and told her, "An important rule while being on the battlefield, is you should never leave any bullets behind. Always check your kills for extra ammo or an extra weapon and it doesn't matter what ammo you get; any ammo is good ammo. Now while Me, Kohane, Mirlande, and Alejandra kill the other Guards, you search the ones I just killed and if you find ammo for your gun, reload it and come help us when you're ready." 

Lily nodded as Mr. Armageddon turned invisible again and left with Ms. Armageddon, Creole Cheetah, and La Nina Flora. 

After they had killed all of the guards in the front and backyards of the house, Mr. and Ms. Armageddon, Creole Cheetah, and La Nina Flora turned visible and opened the gate and Lady Maja, Lord Connor, Rasta Lion, and El Capitan also turned visible and went through the gate and Mr. Armageddon said, "Ok people, it's down to just the house now so take your silencers off because we're gonna hit these fuckers hard and we're gonna get in there and look for Walter and you need to search every nook and cranny that the old man can hide in." 

Everyone nodded and he said, "Alright...LET'S DO IT!" 

El Capitan then broke the front door open with one good kick and shot three Guards that were in the foyer with his trusty M249 SAW and the Armageddon Squad entered, and Mr. Armageddon told everyone, "Ok, this a four-story mansion so Diondre and Carlos, you take the first and second floors of the west wing. Connor and Mirlande, you two get the first and second floors of the east wing. Me, Maja, and Lily will take the third and fourth floors of the west wing and Kohane and Alejandra will take the third and fourth floors of the east wing. Everybody got that?" 

Everyone nodded and he said, "Ok, and for god's sake, don't kill the Servants. Just kill anyone that has a weapon on them...even if they are a Servant themselves." 

Everyone then went to their search areas and shot and killed anyone that had a weapon but while Mr. Armageddon, Lady Maja, and Lily were on the top floor of the west wing, Mr. Armageddon looked in a room with a balcony and spotted a man in a wheelchair but when he entered the room, four Guards attempted to ambush him, but Mr. Armageddon was quick and shot and killed all four with his iconic dual Uzis and as he approached the man in the wheelchair, he was frantically pressing a button on his chair and said, "H-help! Somebody!" and Mr. Armageddon radioed the Armageddon Squad and said, "I have a positive ID on Walter Montague. West wing, fourth floor, fifth door on the right." 

Once all of the Guards in the rest of the house were killed, the Armageddon Squad met up at Mr. Armageddon's location and they saw Walter Montague, he was a very old white man with a completely bald head, a pale white mid-length beard, he was wearing a blue and grey polo shirt and a pair of khaki slacks. 

Ms. Armageddon then said, "Geez, why does every old person we confront have to be bedridden or in a wheelchair?" 

Walter then asked fearfully, "W-what do you people want from me?" and Mr. Armageddon replied in a sinister batman-like voice, "Justice!" before quickly putting Walter in a chokehold which scared him good but Mr. Armageddon let go of him laughing and said, "I'm fucking with you!" but then he put on a stern expression and said, "But seriously, we want that wall gone!" Walter replied, "But you can't! If you let North Woodridge be available to the public, then they're just gonna bring the property value down and there'll be crime." 

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