"Chapter 29: The Woman Who Shan't Be Queen Part I"

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In Norway, everyone looked around and Lord Connor said, "Wait a minute, I remember this place. My Father took me here after I found Frykt and Krig to give me my amulet of Modi." 

Everyone then looked and saw an old man standing on the edge of the cliff looking towards the sea, so they walked over to him to reveal that it was Odin himself and Thor said, "Father?" Odin replied, "Look at this place. It's beautiful." 

Thor then said, "Father, it's us." 

Loki then stood next to Odin and Odin said, "My Sons. I've been waiting for you." Thor replied, "I know. We've come to take you home." 

Lady Maja and Lord Connor then stood by Odin and Lady Maja said, "Your family wants to see you Odin." 

Odin said, "Home, yes. Your Mother, she calls me. Do you hear it?" 

Thor then said, "Loki, lift your magic." 

Odin chuckled and said, "Took me quite a while to break free from your spell. Frigga would've been proud. All of you, come and sit with me. I don't have much time." 

Everyone then sat down on the ground as Odin, Thor, and Loki sat on rocks. 

Odin then looked at Lady Maja and Lord Connor and asked, "Hey, might you be Asgardians?" Lady Maja replied, "Yes, well...sort of. I'm actually Thor and Loki's descendant, My Father descended from Thor's daughter Thrud and My Mother descended from Loki's daughter Hela, my name is Maja Mackinzie, but I'm known as Lady Maja of Glasgow." 

Lord Connor then said, "I descended from Thor's son Magni, my name is Connor Andersson, but people know me as Lord Connor of Ire." 

Odin then said, "Well Thor, Loki, looks like you two have been busy the last few millennia." Thor replied, "Look, Dad...I know that we failed you. But we can make this right." 

Odin then told him, "I failed you. It is upon us. Ragnarök." Thor replied, "No, I've stopped Ragnarök. I put an end to Surtur." 

Odin shook his head and said, "No. It has already begun. She's coming." 

A look of dread then came across Loki's face, and he said, "No, that...that's not possible! Unless..." 

Mr. Armageddon was then confused and asked, "Who's coming? What the hell is a Ragnarök?" 

Odin then said, "My life was all that held her back. But my time has come." 

Thor and Loki looked somberly at Odin, and he said, "I cannot keep her away any longer." 

Thor was confused and asked, "Father, who are you talking about?" Odin answered, "Your niece of course. Hela, the Goddess of Death. Your Brother's vile spawn." 

Thor was even more confused and asked, "Loki's what?" 

Loki still had a look of dread on his face and Odin continued, "Her violent appetites grew beyond my control. Loki and I couldn't stop her, so I imprisoned her. Locked her away. She draws her strength from Asgard and once she gets there, her powers will be limitless." 

Thor then said, "Whatever she is, we can all stop her together. We can all face her together." but Odin replied, "No we won't. I'm on a different path now. This, You and Your Friends must face alone without me." 

Everyone was dead silent, but Odin told Thor and Loki, "I love you, My Sons." and then he pointed out to the horizon and said, "Look at that." 

Everyone turned and looked at the great big sea that stretched out far and wide and Odin told everyone, "Remember this place. Home." and then suddenly, Odin disintegrated into many glowing particles, and everyone watched as the particles blew into the horizon before disappearing to thin air. 

Everyone was devastated from seeing Odin die and a thunderstorm began to brew above them and Loki looked at Thor and said, "Brother." but Thor clenched his fists in frustration and misery and breathed heavily before looking at Loki and saying, "This was your doing." but then all of a sudden, they looked behind them and saw a bright glowing green light appear out of thin air and Thor and Loki got into their armor and took out their weapons as the light grew bigger and bigger before it formed a dark cloudy portal and out of the light came Hela, The Norse Goddess of Death. 

Thor, Loki, and The Armageddon Squad Alliance were now at a stand-off with Hela, and she said, "So he's gone?" 

Nobody said anything and Hela said, "That's a shame. I would've liked to see that." 

Thor then said, "So you must be My Niece. I'm Thor, Son of Odin, I'm your uncle." 

Hela was intrigued and said, "Really? You don't look like him. And you look too young to be My Uncle." 

Loki then said, "My Daughter, perhaps we can come to an arrangement." Hela replied, "You sound just like HIM, Father." 

She then looked at everyone and said, "Kneel." 

Loki was confused and asked, "Beg your pardon?" 

Hela then took out a large sword from nowhere and said, "Kneel. Before your queen." 

The Armageddon Squad Alliance then took out their weapons also and Mr. Armageddon said, "I don't kneel for no one...bitch." 

Lady Maja then said, "And you are no queen, you're just a vile demon who wants nothing more but power." 

Thor then threw Mjolnir at Hela, but she caught it by the head and Thor was in shock and said, "It's not possible." Hela replied, "Darling, you have no idea what's possible." before she tightened her grip and broke Mjolnir with ease and cause a huge explosion of thunder before the shattered pieces of Mjolnir fell to the ground. 

Thor was in complete and utter shock and anger, but Mr. Armageddon was just as angry and shouted, "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" 

Mr. Armageddon then yelled in anger as he charged at Hela with full force and drop kicked her away and then Loki said, "Bring us back!" but Thor shouted, "NO!" but it was too late as Loki, Thor, and The ASA along with Mr. Armageddon were then transported to the Bifrost. 

While traveling through the Bifrost, Thor looked and saw Hela chasing after them and shouted, "Loki." 

Loki then looked and also saw her and tried to throw his dagger at her, but she caught it and threw it back at Loki and the dagger hit him and he fell out of the Bifrost but Mr. Armageddon attempted to save him and he was dragged out of the Bifrost along with Lord Connor who was also trying to save Mr. Armageddon and Lady Maja and Creole Cheetah were horrified and screamed and all they heard was the sound of Mr. Armageddon and Lord Connor falling in the empty void of space screaming, "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" 

Hela then got up to Thor and grabbed him to attempt to attack him with her sword, but Thor pushed off of her and fell out of the Bifrost also, Lady Maja was even more horrified, so she curled up into a ball and cried softly. 

Hela then finally made it to Asgard where Volstagg, Fandral, and Skurge were waiting and Volstagg was suspicious and asked, "Who are you? What have you done with Thor?" 

Hela then threw a dagger at Volstagg that instantly took him down and then she threw another two at Fandral, taking him down as well and then she approached Skurge who was holding a mop and she said, "I'm Hela." 

She then threw one more dagger at Volstagg and Skurge each and they died but Skurge knelt down and said, "I'm just a janitor." 

Hela then walked up to him and said, "You look like a smart boy with good survival instincts." she then asked him, "How would you like a job?" 

She then looked towards Asgard, and an evil smile went across her face as she walked across the bridge.

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