"Chapter 11: Lily and Hao"

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The next afternoon, Lily was in her bathroom putting on makeup and Lucy saw her and said, "So you're finally going back on the saddle." Lily replied, "That's one way to put it." 

Lucy then sat down on Lily's bed and said, "Just remember what I taught you." Lily replied, "Sis, I told you time and time again before every date, I'm not gonna act like a slut the whole time and this man I'm dating, I can tell he prefers to be with a proper woman and that's the look I'm going with; Not too much makeup, little bit of cleavage but not enough to notice, and my ass is completely covered so if he wants some, he has to work for it." 

Lily then came out of the bathroom in her date outfit; she was wearing bright white slacks, brown oxford heels, and a fancy mauve long-sleeve top with light mascara on her top eyelids, clear gloss on her lips, fancy stud earrings on her ear lobes, and her sakura pink hair was tied in a small bun; She then asked, "So what do you think?" Lucy answered, "I think you look good, but don't you think it's a little too...fancy?" 

Lily was confused and asked, "What do you mean? Guys want fancy and if I look fancy and sound smart, they'll still be interested in me. It all makes sense now; the reason my dates always left me wasn't because I was too smart for them, it was because I was too poor AND too smart for them! If you dress like a poor person but talk smart, then people will think you're crazy; but if you dress fancy and talk smart then people will think you're normal and sophisticated and rich enough to be that smart." 

Lucy then said, "Yeah, you're right but what if this 'Hao' guy you're dating arrives looking like he begs for money on the street for a living?" Lily replied, "Oh come on big sis, you're over-exaggerating! He's not some worthless vagabond from the slums, he lives with his parents and works at his father's Motorcycle Dealership, so he definitely can buy and wear fancy clothes if he wanted to." 

Lily then grabbed her handbag, but it felt heavier than normal, so she opened it and found a small twenty-two caliber pistol and was appalled before asking, "Lucy, why the fuck is there a gun in my bag?" Lucy answered, "Obviously for protection!" 

Lily got mad and said, "Oh my fucking god Lucy! Why do you people in this house always have to keep me under heavy protection?! I may be youngest member in this group, but I fucking know how to take care of myself, and I know how to defend myself because I was a fucking Osaka Oblitorator for two fucking years!" Lucy replied, "The reason we're protecting you is because you're the future of this group." 

Lily was confused and Lucy continued, "Sooner or later in this life Lily, I'll be either thinking about retirement or I'll just flat out die and you will be the only one in this group that knows what I knew and once that day comes, you'll need to be alive at least to take over for me and that's why I and Everyone Else in this house want you to learn everything there is to know from Me and from The Others and We wanna make sure that you're safe and unharmed until the time comes." 

Lily then said, "Sis, as much as I appreciate all of that, you can't always protect me from everything life throws at me; this guy, he's one of those people you can't protect me from because I genuinely think that Hao Shen-Lee is the one." 

Lucy then said, "Yeah but Lily...you don't KNOW that. You only THINK that." Lily replied, "I don't fucking care, because he's the sweetest man I've ever met in my life; he's certainly better than the guys YOU probably dated when you were my age." 

Lily then tossed the gun onto the bed before leaving her room and saying, "Don't wait up for me." 

She then walked to the foyer and opened the door to see a small brushed aluminum colored Twenty-Fifteen MINI Cooper with dark orange stripes parked in front of the house so she opened the passenger door to reveal Hao Shen-Lee in the driver's seat; Hao was young skinny Chinese man that was a year younger than Hayato and had mid-length jet black hair with amber eyes and was wearing a black zip-up hoodie with green dragon patterns along with chinese symbols with a dark brown Iron Fist shirt underneath and was also wearing bright stonewashed jeans and black and lime green Nike Air Maxes; when Hao saw the way Lily was dressed, he was amazed and said, "Wow...you...look...amazing!" and Lily got in the car and jokingly replied, "And you look like a Chinese Jesse Pinkman!" Hao laughed and said, "Thanks!" 

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