"Chapter 24: And Now Erik's In It"

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A couple days after their trip to Wakanda, Hayato got a call from Agent Ross and he said, "Mr. Suzuki, Erik Stevens requested a visit from you." Hayato replied, "Alright, I'll come over." 

Hayato then put on a Black Pinstripe Suit with a dark red shirt and a black tie underneath and all-black loafers and Maja hugged him from behind and said, "Looking sharp Mr. Suzuki." 

 Hayato then kissed Maja's hand and said, "See you later...Mrs. Suzuki." before he teleported himself to the D.C. Jail in Washington D.C. and there, he went into a spacious empty room with a table in the middle and Erik Stevens sitting at it, so Hayato closed the door shut and said, "So...the Black Hitler is getting lonely." Erik replied, "Whatever makes you feel good about catching me." 

Hayato then sat down and said, "I wanna show you something." 

He then presented a picture of a middle-aged black man with long black dreads, a short beard, brown eyes, and was wearing ninja clothing with a metal plate on his left gauntlet bearing the Hidden Leaf Village symbol and Erik asked, "Who's this?" Hayato answered, "That right there is my Great-Grandfather Shinjiro Suzuki." 

Erik then said, "So you're part black, big whoop. That shit still ain't gonna make you feel better about deciding my fate and it's definitely not gonna impress me." 

Hayato then said, "Let me tell you the story of Shinjiro. He was one of the first Black Hokages in history and not only was he one the first Black Hokages, but he was also a father and a true warrior, he did everything to protect his pale skinned Japanese wife and his half black son, aka My Grandfather. You see, Shinjiro had a dream, of all ninjas and all villages being equal to each other and working together to fight whatever threat to their ways of life comes their way. He was a true leader, a true warrior, and a true father and bringing all Ninjas and Villages together was the Suzuki clan's dream and since I'm the Hokage now, I have a dream of bringing both Heroes and Civilians together but in order to achieve true equality, Me and My Friends must get rid of those that are problems to this world, i.e. You." 

Erik then asked, "So you think I'm a problem because I wanted to make the Wakandans known?" but Hayato said, "You know, to be honest Erik...I was actually all for your plan but when I found out Asians and Hispanics weren't gonna be included in your 'No White Man's Land' World, I knew you needed to be stopped." Erik replied, "So you arrested me because you were mad you weren't in my plans and now that clown T'Challa gets to sit back on his high and mighty throne, safe and protected from the outside world." 

Hayato then said, "Well let's be honest here; you became King because you wanted to make and see Wakanda become the people that you hate most, the ones that divide and conquer every country in their path." Erik replied, "Nah, I learned from my enemies. Beat them at they own game." 

Hayato was now getting agitated, but he held his temper and said, "Sorry bro, but the second you took that necklace, you became just like your enemies, and you tried to destroy the world, Wakanda included." 

Erik then said, "The world took everything from me! Everything I ever lo-!" 

Hayato then slammed his hands on the table hard and angrily yelled, "THE WORLD DIDN'T TAKE SHIT FROM YOU! T'CHAKA KILLED YOUR DAD, NOT THE WORLD! You really fucking think that just because ONE person, ok, ONE PERSON killed your father and suddenly it's the world's fault and it has to be punished? You already got your revenge by killing T'Chaka and Zuri! What more could you want? Yet you fucking wanted more, you wanted more blood so you could wash T'Chaka's and Zuri's off of your hands with it!" 

Hayato then calmed down and got up before saying, "Enjoy the rest of your life you psychotic bastard, because after this...your fate is gonna be perfectly clear." 

Hayato then knocked on the door and a guard let him out and as he got out of the cell area, he saw T'Challa and Shuri and asked, "Hey what are you doing here?" Shuri answered, "Just paying Mr. Stevens a visit and telling him all the wonderful things My Bro's done since his arrest." 

T'Challa then said, "Mr. Suzuki, we cannot ever thank You and Your Friends enough for the service you all have provided for us, and we wish to make it up to you." 

Hayato then said, "Well thank you for your praise and I'll discuss with My Friends on how you can make it up." 

Hayato then shook T'Challa's hand and left the Jail and back home to wait for what may come next.

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