"Chapter 13: Operation Civil War Phase I"

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It was now Tuesday night in Rockford and The Armageddon Squad was packing up to go to Vienna.

Kohane went to Hayato and asked, "So what's the plan here bro?" Hayato answered, "Plan's changed a little, but our goal is still there; find dirt on Secretary Ross."

Everyone was confused and Diondre asked, "Yo, whatchu mean the plan's changed, bruh?"

Hayato sighed and said, "I had another vision last night..."

Everyone was intrigued by Hayato's words, so he told them, "Someone's gonna blow up the United Nations HQ..."

Everyone gasped in shock and Hayato continued, "Look, all I know is that the explosion came from a news van outside of the building so I'm thinking that since we told The Avengers about Ross' master plan, I'm thinking either Ross himself or some CIA Agents sent by him planted the bomb in the van in order to silence Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff which made me come to the conclusion that The Avengers themselves are the proof we need to expose Ross for the monster he is."

Everyone clapped for Hayato and Alejandra asked, "Soo...what the hell is the new plan?" Hayato answered, "We have to protect The Avengers from any harm until we can get at least most of them to come with us to Washington D.C. and stop Ross for good."

Maja then said, "So let's go ya bastards and pack it up."

Lily and Lucy came out of the basement and Hayato said, "Look girls I'm sorry but I can't bring everyone with us, I can only take either both of you or one of you and one of the guys because I need at least a couple people here to watch the house and Fergus and keep an eye on Dr. Leopold and his crew."

Lucy then said, "Hayato you really need to stop being so rough on that man. So, what if he was working for the Central Woodridge Kaisers? I haven't heard a single racist, misogynistic, sexist, or anti-sematic word from him since we've met him. I really think he has changed."

Hayato then said, "The reason he doesn't say that stuff is because he knows what the fuck is gonna happen to Him and His Crew if he's ever heard saying those things, that whole fucking basement is bugged and has cameras all around."

Lucy then said, "Yes and I reviewed all of the footage where Jordan and Jamal weren't watching him and saw that not once, has he said anything offensive to and about anybody."

Hayato then said, "Look, the only reason I don't trust them is because My Family has had a long line of being betrayed so it's natural that I would have trust issues with people that used to work for the bad guys, but I guess we might as well let them watch the house while we're gone."

Lily then asked, "So are we gonna get some superpowers now that we're all gonna do our first big mission overseas?" Hayato answered, "I guess so, but which of our hair do you want? Because once you eat one of our hairs, you're stuck with those powers forever."

Aurora then came into the room and said, "I might want some powers too." Lucy then said, "I think I want Kohane's hair."

Lily then asked Maja, "If I eat your hair, do I get to turn into a werewolf and use those axes of yours?" Maja answered, "No, you would just get my powers."

Lily then said, "Well then sign me up for some frost powers."

Kohane then cut two small strands of hair and gave one each to Lily and Lucy and then Alejandra said, "Here Aurora, have my hair! It suits you the most." before she also cut a strand of hair and gave it to Aurora then Hayato asked Hao, "You want my hair?"

Hao got excited and answered, "Hell yeah, I'll take some!"

Hayato then cut off a piece of his hair and handed it to Hao.

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