"Chapter 9: Asgardian Dungeon Blues"

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Meanwhile in another realm, Milena Nilsson, known as Lady Milena of Stockholm and Maja Mackinzie's evil cousin, was asleep in a prison cell in Asgard that Lady Maja had put her there many days ago. 

She then awoke to a voice telling her, "Get up." and when she did, she came face to face with Odin, The King of Asgard and Milena said, "I don't care if you keep me in this gods forsaken dungeon forever, I am not telling you where the Tesseract is because I wasn't awake when it was stolen." 

Odin then said, "Considering that you've been resistant to our interrogation efforts for a good number of days, I can tell that you had a personal connection between at least one of the thieves."

 Milena then said, "As much as I love Hayato and hate my filthy half-blooded cousin, I am not gonna tell a stupid Asgardian where they are." 

All of a sudden, Odin's appearance changed from himself to Loki, The Norse God of Mischief and he said, "Ugh! I can't talk to you in that form." 

Milena was surprised and said, "Oh my god it's you! But if you're here then where's Thor and Odin?" 

Loki replied, "How should I know? They're both missing and because of that, let's just say I had to 'appoint' myself as 'temporary' king until one of them returns, which from what it looks like, it's not very likely to happen." 

He then asked Milena, "But another thing I want to ask is where did you find this?" 

He then showed her a necklace known as the Amulet of Jormungandr and Milena answered, "It's an old family relic that's been passed down since the time of my ancestor Karl Helsson and I, Lady Milena of Stockholm am a descendant of Him, Your Daughter Hela, and You. Now let me outta here and I'll tell you where your Tesseract is." 

Loki then said, "Well here's the thing...I don't believe you." 

Milena was shocked and Loki said, "You see Milena, the crown and staff of my grandson will call ANYONE regardless of whether or not they're my descendant so for all I know, you're not my descendant; you are just some mad woman that gave in to the crown and staff's calling which in turn, gave you the impression that you were related to Me and My Family." 

Milena then asked, "W-well how the hell do you explain the amulets?" Loki answered, "Simple, the crown knows where these amulets were, so you probably found it and simply don't remember; hence you lying about my grandson having it." 

Milena then became enraged and pounded on the glasslike force field of the cell with her fists and shouted, "Listen to me! I AM your descendant and I know where the damn Tesseract is! So let me out or I'll find my fucking way out!" 

She continued pounding and kicking the force field while Loki stood there and watched with a bored expression. 

After about five minutes, Milena became exhausted and collapsed onto the floor and Loki sighed in boredom and asked, "Are you done?" 

Milena then had an idea and tiredly asked, "W-wait...you're a Frost Giant, right?" Loki answered, "Well...yes but I'm not seeing your point here." 

Milena then explained, "Frost Giants turn blue when they touch something or enter an area that's freezing cold." Loki asked, "And...?" Milena answered, "If you can get me something that's SUPER cold, then I can touch it and if my skin turns blue, it'll prove that I'm related to you!" 

Loki then said, "And if it doesn't, then you'll stay here until you tell us what you know or until you die of old age like the mortal you are." 

Milena then said, "I promise, after this; I'll tell you everything and you can just send me home and I promise to pretend like we never met, just let me out for a little bit." 

The Cell then opened, and Milena was in surprise and slowly walked out and looking around before Loki slapped a set of shackles onto her and said, "To make sure you don't try anything and to fool the guards." 

He then reverted back into his Odin form and He and Milena both walked out of the dungeon. 

Once they had gotten out, Odin took Milena to his trophy room and there he stopped at a medium-sized blue box on a small square pedestal and said, "This is the Casket of Ancient Winters, one of the coldest things in this realm and I want you to pick it up." 

Milena then grabbed ahold of the casket and sure enough, she felt the box's freezing exterior and her hands immediately turned a light blue and the blue started spreading all around her body and turned her eyes into a reddish orange and her hair went from blonde to black instantly until she put it down and looked at herself in awe. 

Loki then went back into his form and said, "I guess you were right, but I am not taking those off until you tell me everything." 

Milena then asked, "Wait, why are YOU so concerned about the Tesseract?" 

Loki answered, "Because I'm the only one that's allowed to steal it and I have to keep it safe for the sake of the people of Asgard or they'll figure out my ruse." Milena then said, "But no one here seems to be concerned at all, but I'll tell you everything." 

She then told Loki, "The Tesseract was stolen by Mr. Armageddon and Lady Maja of Glasgow and she who mind you; is both the descendant of your brother Thor and You because My Aunt on my mother's side married Maja's Father which means that Maja has half of your genes and half of your brother's plus, she has the Amulet of Fenris. Anyway, Maja and her boyfriend Mr. Armageddon, whose real name is Hayato Suzuki, took the Tesseract and is most likely in Rockford, Oregon, USA on Midgard." 

Loki then unlocked Milena's shackles and said, "Heimdall is going to open the Bifrost for you, but you must promise that you will never try to come back here again and to not tell anyone about the Tesseract on your way out." 

Milena replied, "I won't." 

Loki then turned back to Odin and walked Milena out of the castle and over the bridge and into the bifrost and Odin said, "Heimdall open the Bifrost, I've got all the information I needed from her." 

Heimdall then asked, "Where to, Your Majesty?" Odin answered, "Rockford, Oregon, USA." 

Heimdall then plunged his sword into the slot and twisted it to open up a portal back to earth and Milena stepped forward and took one look back at Odin before stepping through the portal and disappearing in a beam of light.

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