"Chapter 10: Another Weekend in Rockford"

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The next afternoon: Hayato, Maja, Kohane, and Alejandra were riding in the car with David and Melissa Shield to Hayato's Mother's house in Little Tokyo and Maja asked, "So Dr. Shield, are you excited to finally see Hanako again?" 

David answered, "Actually I'm pretty nervous; what if she doesn't remember me?" 

Maja then said, "Don't worry, I'm sure she will remember you and besides, Hanako's a nice woman and even if she doesn't remember you that well, she'll still be nice." 

They then arrived at Hanako's house and Hayato said, "Ok, we're gonna go in there first and greet her and you'll come in last and surprise her." 

David nodded and they all got out of the car except for Him and Melissa. Hayato went up to the front door and knocked and the door swung open to reveal a happy Hanako who hugged Hayato and Maja together and said, "Oh my baby's back!" 

Kohane then ran in and said, "Daddy!" before hugging her father Jiro, and Hayato said, "Mom, I know you're happy that we're here, but we have a surprise for you." Hanako was intrigued and asked, "What is it?" 

He then moved out of the way to reveal David and Melissa walking up to the house and Hanako's eyes widened and gasped in surprise and David said, "Hello Hanako." Hanako answered, "David, we haven't seen you since we left." 

She then looked and saw Melissa and said, "Oh my god, Melissa! Look how big you've gotten!" Melissa then said, "Hi Aunty Hana!" before hugging her and Jiro asked, "So what brings you guys to town?" 

David answered, "Lucy invited us here to witness her big experiment which we witnessed yesterday." and so David, Hanako, and Jiro spent the next hour and a half catching up with each other and during the last few minutes of their conversation, Hayato got a phone call from Mei Shen-Lee, so he answered and she said, "Hey Hayato, I just wanted to know how you were feeling." 

Hayato replied, "Oh no I'm pretty fine, is Hao out of the hospital yet?" Mei said, "Yeah, he just got checked out." 

Hayato then asked her, "Oh, ok. Since he's out, could you ask him if he wants me to give him Lillian Watanabe's number?" 

The phone was silent for a minute before Mei said, "He's happy you asked and yes, he does want her number." 

Hayato then texted the number to Hao Shen-Lee's phone and Mei said, "Ok, I don't wanna ruin your good mood but I wanna let you know that My Grandfather's funeral is scheduled for tomorrow and We, especially My Grandma would be very happy if You, Maja, Kohane, Alejandra, Your Family, and maybe Your Friends could come to the ceremony." Hayato replied, "Of course we'll come and how about this? I can give you guys some money for the preparations, I can pay for it all." 

Mei said, "That's great Hayato but you don't have to do that." Hayato replied, "Yes I should do it because I'm not gonna stand by and watch Huifen wear herself down trying to re-earn all of the money, she and her family spent to put Mao to rest." 

Mei then said, "Look Hayato, I appreciate your offer, but we don't need your money because My Dad has enough money to pay for it." 

Hayato then said, "Ok, but I'm still gonna give you the money as a gift for everything the Shen-Lees have done for the Suzukis." Mei then said, "Well Hayato, we think that would be a very sweet thing to do." 

Hayato then said, "Great, then we'll see you at the funeral and I hope Hao nails it with Lily." 

Mei laughed before she hung up and David got up and said, "Well I think we should get going, Hayato and His Friends are gonna take me out on the town." 

Hanako then asked, "Well why don't you take Jiro with you? He's never hung out with Hayato; plus, you'd probably prefer to have someone your age to talk to." Kohane then said, "Of course My Dad can come!" 

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