"Chapter 19: Tyrell's Problem"

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The next afternoon, Hayato was in the study room writing up the treaty with Lily, Lucy, and Maja in the room and Maja asked, "That better be ready finally."

Hayato then said, "It's finished but now we have to get all of the Gang Leaders and the Mayor to sign this." Lily then said, "Well read it to us first." 

Hayato then read the treaty, "This treaty hereby states that North and Central Woodridge are to be ruled and protected under The Armageddon Squad Alliance while the district of Central City is to be considered neutral police territory, every other district and criminal organization are to ally with each other and go on with their business but they all must give AT LEAST five percent of certain business profits to The ASA. This treaty also states that if The Armageddon Squad Alliance are on an ongoing mission within city limits, the entire city is to be placed under their jurisdiction until the mission is complete." 

Lucy was impressed and said, "Wow, that actually sounds good." 

Lily then asked, "So which Gang Leader should sign first?" Hayato answered, "Let's get Tyrell Oscar to sign it first. He's the leader of the South Woodridge Families." 

He then got up and went downstairs where the rest of the Armageddon Squad was sitting in the living room and Hayato said, "I did it! It's done!" 

Jordan then entered the room and said, "We got one problem tho." 

Hayato was confused and asked, "What problem?" Jordan answered, "It turns out in the three days that we was gone, another gang popped up in Central Woodridge." 

Hayato then got serious and asked, "What?" Jordan answered, "They're called The Iron Warmaidens. It's an all women group." 

Hayato then said, "Well woman or not, Central Woodridge is ours and no one else's. Once we get all the signatures, we're gonna kick those whores out unless we can convince them to work with us." 

He then gave Jordan the treaty and said, "I want You, Jamal, Diondre, and Mirlande to take the treaty to Tyrell Oscar and get him to sign it. Then you give that treaty back to Me; and I, along with Kohane, Lily, and Lucy will get Hideki Sakuragi of the Osaka Obliterators, Lao Chung of the Shanghai Tigers, and Michael Seong of the Seoul Shredders to sign and then we keep doing this until every gang leader has signed."

 Jordan then asked, "I get it bro, but you want to talk to Tyrell Oscar face to face? Are you serious?" 

Hayato was confused and asked, "Why? What's wrong?" Jordan answered, "Tyrell Oscar is a mo'fukin kingpin bruh, he's like one of the biggest playas in South-Western Oregon and North-Western Cali! Plus, that nigga is like a ghost; he only around when no one's lookin' and those who do see him, they ain't never say anything. Last time I met that scary ass fool, I was still in the Air Force." 

Hayato then asked, "Well look, how about you just get some of your old contacts from the SWF and see if they can set up a meeting with us." Jordan answered, "Tyrell doesn't have meetings with just anyone..." 

Hayato interrupted him and said, "That's why we're not meeting him as ourselves, you're meeting him as your new personas; The Ghetto Soldiers and you'll have The Armageddon Squad Alliance to tag along." 

Jordan then said, "A'ight, we'll try to set up a meeting, but don't y'all muthafuckas get uppity now. We ain't gonna know if there'll be a meeting until Tyrell's sure about you folks." 

Hayato then said, "Bruh, we just fucking thwarted a wacky nazi terrorist plot and put the Secretary of State to death. It all made international headlines, obviously he'll know who we are and will gladly have a meeting with us." after making some calls, it turned out that Tyrell was eager to meet The Armageddon Squad Alliance and a few hours later, The ASA was sitting at a long dining table in a large house secluded in the outskirts of South Woodridge and then they a door open and saw the South Woodridge Families' leader, Tyrell Oscar. 

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