"Chapter 8: Dr. Shield and The Vibranium Woman"

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Once they had gotten home, they saw an unusual car parked in front of the house and everyone was confused and Mr. Armageddon asked, "Kohane, is that your car?" Kohane answered, "That's not my car and it doesn't look like anyone else's." 

April then said, "Hayato, you have one voicemail from Lucy." 

She then played it and in the message; Lucy said, "Hayato, you gotta come back over here! There's something cool I want you to see." 

Mr. Armageddon then said, "Alright everyone, move in but stay on your guard; someone could be watching us." 

They then slowly approached the house and Mr. Armageddon said, "April, scan that car and see if it's bugged." 

April then scanned the car and replied, "The only device I see in this car is a Lojack but that's standard for all rental cars." 

Lucy then came out the front door and asked, "Hayato? What are you doing?" Ms. Armageddon then asked, "Lucy, who is in the house right now?" and Lady Maja asked, "And are You and Lily in danger?" 

Lucy shrugged and said, "Ugh! Geez guys, I can't even bring old friends here without you people getting paranoid. Look, Lily and I are not in danger, just trust me and come inside." 

The Armageddon Squad then walked through the front door and there sitting on the couch in the living room was a pale man with mid-length brown hair, a brown goatee on his chin, aqua eyes with glasses over them, and was wearing a slate polo shirt with charcoal slacks and black oxfords; sitting next to him was a pale little girl with long blonde hair, same aqua eyes as her father with glasses over them; she was wearing a dark coral pink t-shirt with dark khakis and pink and white sneakers; Mr. Armageddon then pointed at the man and asked, "I-is that...?" 

Lucy answered, "Yes Hayato...that is Dr. David Shield." 

Mr. Armageddon's skin then turned pale as memories that have been forgotten long ago suddenly started coming back to him and Lady Maja was concerned and asked, "Hayato, are you ok?" 

Mr. Armageddon's back hit the wall and he sat down, and Lady Maja got worried, and Ms. Armageddon said, "Oh my god, he's having a flashback. Just like at your old lab, Lucy." 

Lady Maja then asked, "Hayato, did Mr. Shield do anything bad to you?" Mr. Armageddon answered, "N-no he didn't, he was just some guy that came around our house once in a while to give my mother something, but I can't remember." 

He then got up and approached David and he spotted him and said, "Hayato?" 

Mr. Armageddon removed his mask to reveal that he was indeed Hayato Suzuki and David was shocked by the sight of the claw marks on his face and asked, "Jesus, what happened to you?" 

Hayato sat down on a small couch and answered, "I think you should ask HER that..." 

Maja then took off her helmet and sat down next to Hayato and he put his arm around her shoulder and said, "Dr. Shield, this is my girlfriend and soon to be wife Maja Mackinzie." 

David then asked, "You gave him those scars?" Maja answered, "Well long story short, I have an amulet that lets me turn into a werewolf on command but when I put the amulet on the first time, the spirit inside the amulet took over my mind and made me attack Hayato and destroy part of Central City but My Hero here saved me and helped make me come to back to my senses." 

She then kissed Hayato on the cheek before she asked, "So who's this little girl? And how did You and Hayato know each other?" David answered, "Well Maja, to answer your first question; this is my daughter Melissa." Melissa meekly said, "Hi." and gave a little wave and Maja asked her, "Hey Melissa, do you like video games?" Melissa nodded and Maja said, "Well we have a big room full of video games and if it's ok with Your Dad, you can play any video game you want in there while we talk to him." 

The Armageddon Squad Alliance 2: The Marvel Yearsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن