"Chapter 6: Mr. Chan's Downfall Part I"

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Later that day, Hayato, Kohane, and Alejandra arrived back home and saw Lady Maja and The Armageddon Squad Alliance waiting at the door and so they got out of the car and Lady Maja asked, "Hayato, what happened?" Hayato answered, "It's Mao Shen-Lee, he died." 

Lady Maja gasped in shock, and she hugged Hayato and said in condolence, "Oh Hayato, I'm sorry." and he said, "It was Li Fu Chan, he killed Mao." and Lady Maja let go of him and asked, "How the hell did he kill him?" 

Hayato answered, "He went there to find his grandson Hao and ended up fighting the Shanghai Tigers there until Li Fu Chan shot him and then they basically just left him for dead at his wife's store." 

Lady Maja then said, "Oh my god that's horrible! Were YOU able to find Hao?" Hayato replied, "Yeah; Me, Kohane, and Alejandra found him in a fucking opium den. Turns out the dealer that owns it tricked him into thinking he had to smoke in order to be allowed into the Tiger's ranks." 

Lady Maja asked, "Is he gonna be ok?" Hayato answered, "We're not sure; but right now, he's in the hospital, and we have more important matters to attend to. We need to kill Li Fu Chan." 

Lord Connor then said, "Woah, woah, woah, I thought you said we couldn't do anything to the Shanghai Tigers in order for them to sign the treaty." Hayato replied, "Well guess what, Li Fu Chan already broke the treaty by killing Mao and it hasn't even been made yet, so he needs to fucking die." 

Hayato, Kohane, and Alejandra went inside and quickly changed into Mr. Armageddon, Ms. Armageddon, and La Nina Flora. 

Mr. Armageddon then went outside and asked April, "April, can you access the Rockford PD file database in Chinatown and scan for anything regarding Li Fu Chan's house on Xuan Long Road?" 

April answered, "Accessing....scanning....file found. Police Detectives in Chinatown have noted that the locals tell stories of a secret tunnel in the waters behind Li Fu Chan's 'alleged' home where he 'supposedly' receives opium shipments directly from China to distribute all around the Southwestern region of Oregon, but police were unable to locate this mysterious tunnel and ended brushing it off as just an old urban legend." 

 Mr. Armageddon then said, "That's because they were searching at the wrong time." 

Everyone was confused and Rasta Lion asked, "The fuck you mean by that?" and Mr. Armageddon answered, "Don't you get it? Li Fu Chan's house is right on the coast and the tunnel is somewhere in the ocean behind it and yet the police couldn't find anything so maybe the reason-" Ms. Armageddon then got annoyed and shouted, "Will you just get to the point already?!!!" 

Mr. Armageddon sighed in disgust and said, "The tunnel only appears during low tide but disappears when it's in high tide; that's why the police couldn't find anything, because they were searching during high tide." 

Creole Cheetah then said, "Well I guess we finna have to get a boat." El Capitan then added, "So let's buy one." Mr. Armageddon then said, "No, we can't buy one!" Rasta Lion got confused and asked, "Well why the fuck not?" 

Mr. Armageddon answered, "Because first of all, we're not even gonna be in the boat that long or use it to escape, we're just gonna kill Li Fu Chan and just walk out the front door like nothing; and second of all, where the hell are are we even gonna put the boat after we use it? Because I'm not gonna fucking haul that thing to and from the coast." 

La Nina Flora then got mad and asked, "Hijole chingada Hayato, why do you always have to shoot down every idea we give you?" 

Mr. Armageddon answered, "Ok, if you people really want a boat so bad, then we'll rent a yacht the week after next but today, we're gonna need to hire someone who can take us to the tunnel." 

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