"Chapter 7: Mr. Chan's Downfall Part II

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During the voyage, Mr. Armageddon looked at Lady Maja and said, "You know Maja, being on this boat and being surrounded by all this water makes me feel like we're in One Piece and it reminds me of that lifeguard dream I had about you." 

La Nina Flora overheard his conversation and asked, "You had a lifeguard dream too? How did yours go?" 

Mr. Armageddon answered, "So basically I was passed out but then I get revived and wake up on this beach looking up at Maja except she's like super buff and wearing this super sexy ass blue bathing suit, so she fucking lifts me up like I was nothing and carries me all the way to the lifeguard shack and we ended up making love in there." 

La Nina Flora then said, "Pfft, that's nothing! Kohane was wearing a tiny sling bikini in my dream, and she had the balls to do it with me right there on the beach." 

Rasta Lion then got disappointed and said, "Oh c'mon man, just because Me and Carlos are gay doesn't mean you can talk about sex in front of us! Please, for once can we have a conversation where you guys aren't comparing girlfriends?" 

Mr. Armageddon asked, "What's wrong with talking about sex? Don't you guys have sex?" Rasta Lion answered, "We had sex only one time. Only, we never got to finish cuz this stupid ass ese forgot to get lube and almost killed me trying to dry dock me." 

El Capitan then said, "I'm pretty sure it was you who forgot the lube." 

Ms. Armageddon then chimed in and said, "Don't fret over what happened months ago, you guys are invincible now so you both can just dry dock anytime you want without one of you dying." 

Lord Connor then shouted, "Guys, we're here!" 

Mr. Kwon then stopped the boat and The Armageddon Squad looked at Li Fu Chan's House; it was a large three-story Chinese style mansion with stairs on the side of the cliff going down to a small beach with a large dock and a large sailboat docked next to it. 

Creole Cheetah looked and asked, "What the hell is that place?" Mr. Kwon answered, "That's Li Fu Chan's private beach and that right there is his boat." Lady Maja then said, "So I guess that means he's home."

 Mr. Armageddon then got up and said, "Alright everybody, it's time to get wet." 

He then grabbed his weapons and some underwater flares and told everyone, "I'm gonna scout ahead for the tunnel and then once I find it, I'll signal you guys to move in with these flares." 

Ms. Armageddon got up and said, "I'll go with you too." Mr. Armageddon then whispered, "No, I got this!" Ms. Armageddon whispered back, "No you don't and the only reason I'm going with you is to make sure you don't fucking lose your cool before you confront Li Fu Chan."

La Nina Flora then asked, "Why are you going to the tunnel when you can just go onto the beach?" Mr. Armageddon answered, "Because there's most likely cameras on the beach and even though we can turn invisible, our footprints aren't." 

He then jumped into the water and started swimming towards the cliff with Ms. Armageddon following him. 

Once they were close to the cliff, Mr. and Ms. Armageddon dived down and suddenly, they could see underwater and Mr. Armageddon said, "Woah, this is great." 

Ms. Armageddon then gasped and asked, "Did you just talk underwater?" Mr. Armageddon asked, "Did you just gasp underwater?" Mr. Armageddon then said, "Oh my god, we can breathe underwater!" Ms. Armageddon then said, "Ooh, I wonder if I can talk to fish!" 

She then saw a fish pass by and called out, "Hey! You! Yeah, you with fins and gills! Can you understand me?" but the fish kept swimming by, and Ms. Armageddon was upset and said, "Jerk!" and suddenly, Mr. Armageddon spotted a dark cylindrical hole below him that was seemingly built into the side of the cliff and said, "Kohane! I think I found the tunnel!" 

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