"Chapter 12: Who The Hell Is Helmut Zemo?"

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Once they got home, Hayato entered inside and went to the living room and said, "Team meeting, NOW!" 

A couple minutes later, every single member of The Armageddon Squad Alliance was in the living room and Hayato told them, "Ladies and Gentlemen; before we came home, I got a call from Secretary Ross." 

Everyone gasped in horror and murmured amongst each other, and Hayato continued, "It turns out the US Government knows our secret identities and Ross has threatened to leak that information onto the internet along with labeling us as both Foreign and Domestic Terrorists which will paint a very big target on our backs." 

Kohane then asked, "Wait, are you fucking serious?" Hayato answered, "Yes and he says he's gonna do it if we don't attend the Sokovia Accords Signing at the UN Headquarters in Vienna, Austria this Wednesday." 

Diondre then asked, "So what the fuck do we gotta do?" Carlos said, "We can't attend that signing, fool!" Mirlande then said, "And we definitely don't want no target on any of our backs." Alejandra then said, "I don't wanna be labeled a terrorist!" Connor then said, "I say we go down to Washington D.C. and kill that fuking bastard!" Maja then said, "No we can't, because that's exactly what he's expecting us to do; he's trying to get a reaction by threatening us and trying to see if we'll throw the first punch." 

Hayato then told them all, "But we're not gonna throw the first punch, we're gonna go to that signing and see if we can find any dirt on Ross. Once we find that dirt, we're gonna head to the Harry S. Truman Building and expose Ross for the lying manipulating monster he is." 

Lucy then asked, "But what about the treaty?" Hayato answered, "We'll make the treaty after we deal with this but right now, it's time to get started by training you people to be stone cold killers." 

He then got the scrolls out of the boxes and said, "For two whole days, we're gonna do nothing but train; I want you people to learn as much combat techniques from Mine, Kohane's, and Mao's people before that treaty signing." 

Meanwhile in a cabin near West Yellowstone, Alexander Schmidt was sitting next to his father Arnold and a doctor said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Schmidt; Your Father isn't gonna make it." 

Alexander was shocked and desperately said, "Well just put him on life support!" 

The Doctor said, "That's the thing; our clinic's too small to own any kind of life support technology. The only place around here that'll have a good enough life support system would be either in Helena or Billings, but I don't think your father will make the trip." 

Alexander then said, "Bullshit! My Wife and I drove My Dad all the way over here from Oregon and he was still ok." 

Arnold then raspily yelled out, "No! I'm going anywhere!" 

Alexander looked at his father with shock and Arnold told everyone, "I am so sick and tired from moving around so fucking much! I don't wanna go anywhere anymore." 

He then looked at the doctor and said, "All you've done during this whole fucking visit was say I was gonna die, well maybe I want to die! So how about you get the fuck out of this house and back to Yokelberg!" 

The Doctor then left, and Arnold said, "Alex, come closer." 

Alexander then went close, and His Father said, "There is a man that Me and The Kaisers have been buying guns from for five years, his name is Helmut Zemo, and he is the son of Heinrich Zemo, one of the first founders of Hydra along with Johann Schmidt." 

He then pointed to a small wooden box on the nightstand and Alexander picked it up and opened it to find a small vial of a strange blue liquid and he asked, "What's this." Arnold answered, "That my son, is the last vial of the Super-Soldier Serum. I want you to use it and find Helmut Zemo and get him on your side so you could revive Hydra and take back its rightful place as ruler above all." 

Alexander then said, "But Dad we can't revive Hydra, everyone's dead." Arnold then started getting pains in his chest and said, "N-no, there is another." 

Alexander got worried but Arnold said, "J-just go...leave this place with your wife and find Zemo." He then started fading and said, "Hail Hydra!" before collapsing his head onto his pillow and dying. 

Alexander's wife Hedvig Schneider Schmidt then came into the room; She was an average built German woman of more than average height with long very light brown hair with mustard yellow highlights, dark blue eyes, and had a big tattoo of a moth with a skull on its back; Hedvig was horrified by the sight of Arnold Schmidt's corpse and before she said anything; Alexander put his finger up to shush her and said, "Let's just go." 

He then picked up the box containing the serum and a small black book and Hedvig asked him, "Where the hell are we going?" and then Alexander answered as he left the house, "There's an old friend of My Dad's that I need help from." 

He then entered a large red Pickup Truck and Hedvig entered and Alexander said, "Those Jap Gook assholes Mr. and Ms. Armageddon and that Lincoln loving so-called Captain America are the reason My Dad and our family's legacy are dead, so I'm gonna return the favor by teaming up with a man named Helmut Zemo and once I find him; we're gonna revive Hydra, kill The Armageddon Squad Alliance AND The Avengers, and we're gonna take back the world as at it was supposed to be." 

Alexander then flipped through Arnold's black book and found Helmut Zemo's number and called it. 

The phone rang for over a minute before someone picked it up and a voice said, "Sorry Arnold, it's gone...I can't give you any more weapons." 

Alexander then said, "I'm sorry to tell you Herr Zemo, Arnold has passed; this is his son Alexander." 

Zemo then said, "How unfortunate but right now I have bigger fish to fry." Alexander then said, "Wait! Whatever it is you're doing, I'm in." 

Alexander then told him, "I have the last vial of the serum and I wanna make a proposition..." 

Zemo asked, "And what is it?" Alexander answered, "I want to work with you in an effort to revive Hydra." 

Zemo chuckled and said, "Good luck with that, Hydra and its associates have been dead and gone for over a year, there's no way we can revive it now." 

Alexander then said, "Yes there's a way we can revive it; there's still one more associate and you are Henrich's descendant and I'm Johann's descendant; we can work together and rebuild Hydra from the ground up." 

Zemo was silent and Alexander said, "Tell me where you are, and I will fill you in on the details." Zemo replied, "Graz, Austria; I'm on my way to Vienna to carry out a plan I made before you called." 

Alexander then said, "Well I'm gonna help you with this plan of yours first and then we'll talk about reviving Hydra." Zemo then said, "Alright, meet me in Vienna tomorrow and I'll tell you everything." 

Zemo then hung up and Alexander then started driving and Hedvig asked, "Now where the hell are we going?" 

Alexander then said, "First I need to find a pharmacy so I can buy a pack of syringes and inject this serum into me and then we have to get to Billings and fly to Vienna." 

Alexander then pushed the gas and sped away from the cabin.

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