"Chapter 4: Maja and Mirlande's Bogus Trip"

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Inside the bathroom, Mirlande looked at herself in the mirror and breathed in a shaky manner before she felt her stomach groan and quickly kneeled in front of the toilet and vomited harshly.

Maja came up from behind her and said, "You too huh?" Mirlande was startled and said, "Don't do that shit girl!" Maja replied, "I'm sorry, but I know what's wrong with you." 

Mirlande then said, "I know! But I don't know if it's true or not and I'm too scared to find out and I'm too scared to talk to Connor about it. I don't wanna lose him!" 

She then started to tear up but Maja sat down and comforted her as she said, "Mirlande, I know exactly how you feel right now because I had the same thoughts you're having; in fact, I immediately thought about getting an abortion after seeing my test results but once Hayato found me in Scotland, he convinced me to keep the baby because he said he wanted to be the father he never had growing up and to be honest, I've kinda always dreamed about Me and Hayato being a family. I just didn't think it would happen this fast. But hey, life does funny things to people." 

Mirlande then said, "But I don't know if I'm pregnant and if I am then I'm afraid of how Connor will react to the news." Maja then told her, "Look Mirlande, what you do about this...it's your choice; but as a woman who's pregnant, I recommend that you should just go for it and hope that Connor takes the news well and if he does, then you go and try to be the best damn mother you can be." 

Maja then reached in her pocket and took out a spare pregnancy test that she had brought with her from Scotland, and she gave it to Mirlande, and she asked, "Wait, isn't this the pregnancy test from Scotland?" Maja answered, "Yeah; when I bought it, it was oddly in a two pack." Mirlande then asked, "But why did you keep the spare? Were you having doubts?" 

Maja answered, "Well yes, there was sort of a period in time after I came back here to America where I kinda started having doubts that I was ACTUALLY pregnant but after this conversation, there is no doubt that I really AM pregnant." 

Mirlande then looked at the box and said, "Thank you Maja." before hugging her and Maja said, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go sexually take advantage of my drunk fiancée." Mirlande chuckled and replied, "I'll prolly do the same wit Connor later." Maja then got up and left. 

By the time she had gotten back to the dining room, everyone was already drunk, and Hayato said, "Heyyy! There's my ginger haired lass!" 

Maja held Hayato and said, "Come on Hayato, let's have a little chat in our bedroom~" Hayato drunkenly said, "Waitwaitwait, not yet...show em'." Maja was confused and asked, "Show them what?" 

Hayato then reached for her shirt, but Maja stopped him and said, "Oh no, we're not doing that here." Kohane then drunkenly said, "C'mon Maja, I wanna see who's bigger! Me, You, or Miss Lucy Goosey Rooty Tooty Fruity over there!" 

Everyone burst out laughing and Lucy got offended and asked, "Oh! You think your tits are bigger than mine? Then prove it bitch!" Alejandra then drunkenly shouted, "Uh oh! Boob Contest!" Maja then shouted, "NO! No contest! Come on Hayato, we're leaving!" 

Maja then got in her muscular form and lifted Hayato like he was nothing and carried him out of the dining room and upstairs to their room in the mansion's master bedroom and Hayato was upset and asked, "What are you doing Maja? Do you know how rude that was to my friends?" 

Maja told him, "Hayato, you're too drunk so I'm taking you to bed." Hayato replied, "Alright fine but I'm-I'm not gonna look at your face and I'm gonna get naked and...and I'm gonna...I'm gonna..." 

He then suddenly started bawling and asked, "Why does my dad hate me?! Why do YOU hate me? Why did you leave me?! Am I not good enough for you? You think you can do better than me?!" 

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