"Chapter 23: Wakandan Wargames"

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The next day, Hayato and The Armageddon Squad were sitting at the Diner in South Woodridge eating lunch; as they were about to finish, Hogan said, "Oy! That Nakia lady wants to talk to you." 

Everyone groaned in annoyance and Hayato answered the call and put it on speaker and said, "Can we at least fucking finish eating without you calling us to action?!" 

Nakia then said, "T'Chaka and T'Challa have been killed." 

The Armageddon Squad and the people in the Diner gasped in shock and horror. 

Later, The Armageddon Squad teleported to a remote jungle outside of Wakanda where they met up with Nakia and Agent Ross and Mr. Armageddon said, "Ok, explain to us what happened." Nakia replied, "Not now. Wait till we meet up with the others." 

They then met up with T'Challa's mother, Queen Ramonda and his sister, Princess Shuri; Ramonda was startled by The Armageddon Squad Alliance, and she took out a weapon and asked, "Who are these people?!" Nakia answered, "They're friends of T'Challa's. The Agent saved my life." 

Ramonda asked, "Where's Okoye?" Nakia answered, "Okoye is not coming. She and the Dora Milaje will serve the new king." 

Mr. Armageddon asked, "Who the hell is the new king?" 

Nakia then said, "Wait here." before she ran off into the distance and Ramonda asked, "What has happened to our Wakanda?" 

Lord Connor then said, "Beats me, we don't even know why we're here." 

A few hours later, The Armageddon Squad, Agent Ross, Nakia, Queen Ramonda, and Princess Shuri were hiking up a snowy mountain and Mr. Armageddon asked, "So let me get this straight, T'Chaka killed his brother N'Jobu and now his son Erik Stevens took the throne by killing T'Chaka and T'Challa and now he plans to use Wakanda to start a black uprising on Earth?" Nakia answered, "That is pretty much it." 

Agent Ross then asked, "So where are we going again?" Nakia answered, "We're taking the Heart-Shaped Herb to Jabariland." 

Agent Ross asked, "Heart-Shaped Herb? What is that?" 

Lord Connor then said, "Fuking hell! Even when not on the job, you still act like a Fed." Rasta Lion answered, "The Heart-Shaped Herb is what gives the Black Panther its powers and abilities." 

Ramonda then said, "Nakia." 

She turned around and looked at her and Romonda said, "I don't like this, the Herb belongs to us. We may be creating a bigger monster with M'Baku." 

Everyone looked and saw a giant gorilla head carved out of the mountain and Romonda said, "Nakia, you should take it yourself." Nakia replied, "I am a spy with no army, I wouldn't stand a chance." 

Mr. Armageddon then said, "Uh hello? My Sister and I can create an army!" 

Ms. Armageddon said, "Plus, you got The Armageddon Squad Alliance with you, we are much, much, much stronger than any army on this planet and in this universe." 

Ramonda then sighed and said, "We'll go." 

They then continued hiking but they stopped after hearing an ominous chant and then they looked around them and saw a group of Jabari Tribesmen wielding spears surrounding them and The ASA immediately drew their guns and Mr. Armageddon sternly said, "Listen up people, we have guns and metal armor, and you have spears and fur and leather clothes. Unless your spears can deflect bullets and your clothes are bulletproof, you'll stand down and let the Princess and the Queen speak with your Chief or King or whatever you call this M'Baku guy." 

Later at night, they were taken to a large throne room and sitting on the throne was M'Baku and he looked at everyone for a second before Queen Ramonda stepped up and said, "My son...was murdered in ritual combat!" 

The Armageddon Squad Alliance 2: The Marvel YearsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz