"Chapter 17: Dead in the Snow"

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While in the plane, Mr. Armageddon took his mask off and said, "Jesus Christ, has this been a fucking stressful three days." 

Lady Maja then took her helmet off and said, "I know; first, a guy we let loose comes back and tries to kill us, then The Avengers start trying to kill each other because the fuking media had to go and blame Bucky for it, and now, that guy we let loose is trying to revive one of the evilest political groups in history." 

Ms. Armageddon then sighed and said, "We should've fucking killed Alexander and His Dad at that hospital room in Rockford when we had the chance." 

Creole Cheetah then asked, "Man, what the hell are we gonna do about Tony and Rhodes? It's pretty fucking clear he ain't never gonna let this shit go and he's gotta fucking drag Rhodes into all of this." Lord Connor answered, "Yeah, if you ask me; I feel sorry for Rhodes, he's letting that bastard Tony try to kill him with all the shite he's doing now." 

Mr. Armageddon said, "Don't worry, once we find that fucker Alexander; we'll record a confession from him before killing him." but La Nina Flora said, "Even if we do succeed in killing him; we're still gonna be fugitives since we were helping Captain America." Mr. Armageddon then replied, "No, we're not gonna be fugitives; the world already knows about Zemo and already knows what happened to Dr. Broussard. It's just that Tony and Secretary Ross can't fucking get with the times, which means we're innocent in all of this and we're gonna prove to the entire world that Captain America and Bucky are completely innocent too." 

After many hours of flying, they finally landed at Moscow Airport and The Armageddon Squad got in the truck and drove off to Siberia. 

Meanwhile, deep in the Siberian Mountains; Alexander Schmidt, whose face was now rotted to the point of where he looked zombie-like and his wife Hedvig had arrived at the Hydra Facility in a large snowplow truck and Hedvig said, "Ok Alex, this plan has gone on long enough. I wanna go home." 

Alexander then slapped Hedvig in the face and said, "When you fucking married me, you knew you would have to do EVERYTHING with me, and I HAVE to this! It's the only way the Schmidt Legacy can finally be powerful again. We are the true rulers of this planet! Now I want you to stay out here and guard the door while I'm inside." 

Hedvig then got mad and said, "Well you can forget it, I'm not doing this stupid fucking plan anymore. I'm going HOME...to AMERICA, not Germany, not Austria, not Russia, AMERICA!" 

She then pushed Alexander out of the snow plow and attempted to drive away, but Alexander took out an RPD Machine Gun he had with him and fired a barrage of bullets at the truck before he stopped and heard a long horn sound so he went to the truck to see that he killed Hedvig and he screamed in anger before walking to the Facility's doors and entered the code to open it and went inside and while Alexander was in there, he looked through a records office and found a box that said, "1991" so he took it and went deeper into the facility. 

Later that day, The Armageddon Squad Alliance arrived at the facility, and they saw the Quin Jet land too and out came The Avengers and then The ASA got out of the truck, but Lady Maja was hesitant on coming out and Mr. Armageddon said, "Come on Maja, the snow's not that bad." 

Lady Maja then said, "Nope, I'm fine in here." Mr. Armageddon was confused and asked, "Why don't you wanna get out?" 

Lady Maja was nervous and said, "B-Because the cold gives me c-cramps and it's bad for the baby!" 

Mr. Armageddon then said, "Ok, I'm sorry Maja but even I don't buy that." 

Lady Maja then got mad and said, "Fine! I'll fuking come out! But if our baby dies of Hypo, it's your fault you monster!" 

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