"Chapter 28: Welcome Back, Thor"

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Over next few months, Hayato and Maja spent their time raising Makoto, but things would soon stop on November 20th of 2017, when now nineteen-year-old Hayato found a strange card in the mailbox and it read, "New York, New York 177A Bleecker Street." 

Hayato then rushed back inside the mansion and said, "Armageddon Squad in the living room now." 

Everyone who was now twenty and nineteen years old except for Kohane, Lucy, and Dr. Leopold Muller and His Assistants then gathered in the living room and Diondre asked, "What is it?" 

Hayato told them, "I found this card in the mail, but I don't know who it's from or why it was given to me." 

Twenty-Two-year-old Kohane said, "Maybe someone's calling you for action?" 

Hayato then said, "That could be what it is but I'm still not sure because it doesn't say who it's from, it just shows some street address in New York City." 

Maja then thought about it and said, "Oh fuck, I think it's Leonardo Marchetti Jr." 

Hayato was confused and asked, "How the fuck would it be him? He's just a fat homeless has-been with two whores for a family. He would never be able to get revenge on me." 

Alejandra then said, "Well then it's obviously important and we should all go." Hayato replied, "Alright fine, let's go to New York but we need a babysitter first." 

After Hayato and Maja dropped off Makoto at Hanako and Jiro's house, and Connor and Mirlande dropped off their twin sons James and Anthony at Mirlande's Parent's house.

The Armageddon Squad Alliance teleported to the address in New York City and there they saw huge building with a fancy glass door, so Mr. Armageddon knocked on it and suddenly, The ASA was teleported inside what looked like a museum, there were display cases all over the room but then they heard a deep booming voice that said, "The Armageddon Squad Alliance." 

Everyone looked and saw Doctor Strange and The ASA immediately put their hands on their guns, and he said, "You can take your hands off of those." 

They then took their hands off their weapons and Mr. Armageddon asked, "Who are you and what are you?" Dr. Strange answered, "My name is Doctor Steven Strange, and I am a Master of the Mystic Arts or a Wizard like someone else I have here told me." 

Mr. Armageddon then asked, "Why did you invite us here?" Dr. Strange answered, "Because I have someone Your Wife and Your Friend have been wanting to see and I have some questions for You and Your Stepsister. Take a seat." 

The Armageddon Squad was then teleported to a huge couch and Dr. Strange was sitting on a single chair away from them and said, "So I and a group I worked with, kept a watchlist of Individuals and Beings from other Realms that may be a threat to this world. You, Hayato Suzuki and Your Step-Sister Kohane Ito, are one of those threats." 

Mr. Armageddon then said, "Woah, woah, woah! We are not fucking threats, ok? The only threats we are to this world are to the villains of this world." 

Dr. Strange then said, "Look, the reason you're threats to this world is because ever since you arrived, wormholes have been popping up everywhere and funneling in stuff from other universes." 

Mr. Armageddon then said, "That's got nothing to do with me bro, those wormholes were popping up WAY before My Mother came here through one of them and had Me." 

Lady Maja then asked, "Um, you said you had someone here that I've been wanting to see?" Dr. Strange answered, "Oh yes. Odinson." 

Thor then walked into the room, and everyone was in complete surprise and Mr. Armageddon said, "Holy shit, it's really him!" 

Dr. Strange then said, "Thor came here earlier with Loki, and he said they were looking for Odin but then I remember hearing of a man and woman who were supposedly his direct descendants." 

Lord Connor said, "That's why you invited us." 

Lady Maja then asked, "So where is the real Odin anyway?" Dr. Strange answered, "He's in Norway." 

He then got up and everyone was teleported to a library where Dr. Strange was flipping through a book and said, "I'm just seeing whether this incantation requires any Asgardian modifications." 

He then said, "Nope." and closed the book and teleported everyone to another library where Dr. Strange was using a metal mortar and pestle and said, "Oh we don't need that." and then he teleported to yet another library and Thor asked, "Will you stop doing that?" 

Dr. Strange then asked, "Can I...? I need just one strand of your hair." Thor answered, "Let me explain something, my hair is not to be meddled with." 

Dr. Strange then came up behind him and plucked a single strand of hair from his head and then he and everyone were teleported to a foyer with a large staircase and Dr. Strange was making shapes with his hands using an unusual glowing orange light until the light turned into a portal that led to a cliff overlooking the sea in Norway and Thor said, "We could have just walked." but Dr. Strange said, "He's waiting for you." Thor replied, "Alright." but Dr. Strange said, "But don't forget your umbrella." 

Thor said, "Oh, yes." 

He then stuck his hand out and there was the sound of cluttering upstairs while they waited, Mr. Armageddon looked at the portal and said, "Big deal, Me and My Sister can make portals too AND they go different dimensions, dimensions that We created." Dr. Strange replied, "Exactly why you're both a threat, Hayato." 

The umbrella then came back to Thor's hand, and he said, "There we go." before dusting off pieces of glass from it and saying, "I suppose I'll need my brother back." Dr. Strange replied, "Oh yeah. Right." 

He then opened another portal and Loki came out screaming and fell to the floor where he angrily yelled out, "I have been FALLING for THIRTY MINUTES!" 

Dr. Strange then told Thor, "You can handle him from here." Thor replied, "Yes. Of Course. Thank you very much for your help." before shaking his hand and Dr. Strange said, "Good luck." and then Loki got up confused and asked, "Handle me? Who are you? And why do you have my friends here?" 

He then took out two long daggers from out of nowhere and Thor said, "Loki." 

Loki then asked Dr. Strange, "You think you're some kind of sorcerer? Don't think for one minute, you second-rate..." as Loki approached Dr. Strange, he then said, "Alright, bye-bye." 

Dr. Strange then pushed the portal towards Loki, Thor, and The Armageddon Squad and they all ended up in Norway.

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