"Chapter 22: Klaue's In the Chair"

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Later that night, their computer assistant Hogan chimed in and asked, "Hey you awake bruv? I got an urgent call from some dark-skinned bloke in Busan." Hayato answered, "Ugh! Who the hell is it?" 

Hayato picked up the Hogan watch and answered the call to hear the voice of Okoye, the general of Wakanda's Dora Milaje Army; Okoye said, "The King requests your assistance." 

Hayato asked, "What does T'Challa want?" Okoye answered, "He needs your assistance in interrogating someone." 

Hayato sighed and said, "Alright fine, where are you?" Okoye answered, "Busan, Korea; be here." 

Hayato then said, "Ok but NO...MORE...LATE...NIGHT...CALLS!" 

She hung up the phone and Hayato got up, but Maja said, "You shouldn't have answered that call." Hayato replied, "I know I shouldn't have! But I couldn't bring myself to hang up on them like that." 

Maja then said, "Next time, be more careful of the jobs you accept." 

She then got up and stretched before she grabbed her axes and her armor appeared on her body and Hayato put on his costume. 

Mr. Armageddon, Lady Maja, Rasta Lion, and Creole Cheetah then teleported to the interrogation room where they saw Okoye, Nakia, T'Challa, and Agent Everett Ross and Creole Cheetah said, "Ok, I wanna know who the fuck is it we gotta interrogate, because I am THROUGH with ya'll niggas calling in the middle of the goddamn night!" 

They then looked through the window and saw that Ulysses Klaue was tied to a chair and Rasta Lion said, "Aw fuck, not this piece of shit again!" 

Klaue then looked at the window and started smiling and laughing and saying, "Hello. I can see you! I can. I can see you." 

He then started making kissing noises and Agent Ross asked, "So, you recognize this guy, Hayato?" Mr. Armageddon answered, "We had the pleasure of exchanging glances after we interrupted a deal, he was making by stealing one of his shipments of vibranium and the money he was to be paid with." 

Agent Ross then said, "So I figured we could go Good Cop, Bad Cop. I'll talk to him first, then you guys go in." 

Okoye then said in Xhosa, "We can't let him talk to Klaue alone." 

Rasta Lion then said in Xhosa, "Maybe you can send Mr. Armageddon and Agent Ross in there for five minutes." 

T'Challa then looked at Mr. Armageddon and Agent Ross and said, "After your questioning, we will take him back to Wakanda with us." Agent Ross was confused and replied, "What? No." 

He then told them, "Look, I like you, a lot. But he's in my custody now. He's not going anywhere." 

T'Challa gave Agent Ross a side-eyed look and Agent Ross said, "Listen, I'm doing you guys a favor by letting You and Your New Friends even be here." 

Okoye then said in Xhosa, "If he touches you again, I'm going to impale him to this desk." before she pointed to a random desk, Agent Ross was visibly confused and asked T'Challa, "Does she speak English?" but Okoye answered, "When she wants to." 

Agent Ross then said, "We're going in. And when we're done, you guys are up." 

T'Challa then said, "Agent Ross." 

He then put his hand on his shoulder and said, "I do appreciate your help in Busan."

Agent Ross then looked at Okoye and said, "You see that? It's called diplomacy." before he walked off and entered interrogation with Mr. Armageddon. 

Inside the interrogation room, Klaue was singing "What Is Love" by Haddaway as Agent Ross and Mr. Armageddon sat down in front of him and Klaue looked at Mr. Armageddon and asked, "Say, don't I know you from somewhere?" Mr. Armageddon answered, "I'm the man that robbed you blind." 

Klaue then said, "You know, a man like You and Him shouldn't really trust the Wakandans. I'm much more your speed." 

Agent Ross then said, "I don't trust anybody, not in this job. But what I am interested in is that arm cannon out there. Where'd you get that?" Klaue replied, "It's an old mining tool that I made some adjustments to. But I can get you two a couple of those, if you like." 

Mr. Armageddon then asked, "Your supplier, who is it? Because I know and My Friends know that you get it all from Wakanda." Klaue answered, "Well there's your answer; in fact, your answer is right outside. Why don't you ask him yourselves?" 

Agent Ross asked, "What? T'Challa? You're telling me that weapon on your arm is from Wakanda?" Klaue answered, "Bingo." but then he asked, "What do you people actually know about Wakanda?" Mr. Armageddon answered, "I know that they make the Panther Suit and how it's made of vibranium and I know that even though they're obviously more technologically advanced than us, they still dress as if it's still a tribe." 

Klaue was impressed and said, "Well, you've certainly done your homework but not all of it. Vibranium is not just a metal. It's sewn into their clothes. It powers their city, their tech, their weapons." Agent Ross asked, "Weapons?" Klaue chuckled and answered, "Yes. Makes my arm cannon look like a leaf blower." 

Agent Ross then said, "That's a nice fairy tale, but Wakanda is a Third-World Country, and you stole all their vibranium." 

Klaue laughed hysterically and asked, "All of...?" 

He then laughed more before he jolted angrily in his chair and asked, "All of it?!" 

He then told them, "I took a tiny piece of it. They have a mountain full of it. They've been mining it for thousands of years and they still haven't scratched the surface. I'm the only outsider who's seen it and got out of there alive. If you don't believe me, you ask Your Friend and Mr. Armageddon's Friends what their suits are made of. What their claws are made of." 

Agent Ross and Mr. Armageddon said nothing and walked out of the room. 

Meanwhile, a painter's van backed up into an alleyway behind the command center and out came three people; a bearded African-American man with short black dreadlocks on the side of his head, a bearded tan-skinned man, and an African-American woman with tied black hair; the African-American Man planted a bomb on the wall of the interrogation room before putting on an African Warrior mask and detonating the bomb and opening fire on the people inside the command center. 

Everyone ducked down as the other two assailants took Klaue away but Mr. Armageddon and The Armageddon Squad stood tall taking every bullet and Mr. Armageddon jumped through the window and tackled the African American Man down and grabbed his rifle and butted him in the gut and foot but the African American Man gave him a middle finger before getting in the van and speeding away but Mr. Armageddon took out his dual Uzis and shot off the taillights of the van and yelled, "That's right! Run away, you fucking bitch!" 

Lady Maja then ran over to Mr. Armageddon and said, "Hayato! It's Agent Ross, he's hit!" 

They then ran back inside and saw a group of people huddled next to a gravely injured Agent Ross and Nakia said, "He just jumped in front of me." 

Agent Ross breathed heavily in pain and Nakia said, "I don't think he'll make it here, it hit his spine." 

T'Challa then said, "Give me a Kimoyo Bead." 

Nakia then handed him a strange black bead and T'Challa inserted it into Agent Ross' bullet wound and he said, "This will stabilize him for now." 

Agent Ross' breathing then stopped, and he drifted off into slumber and T'Challa said, "Give him to us, we can save him." 

The Armageddon Squad Alliance 2: The Marvel YearsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora