"Chapter 2: Walter's Wall Phase I"

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Kohane was about to get on the PlayStation, but she decided to go find Hayato and tell him about the wall. 

She ended up finding him in the study room examining the books on the shelves and Kohane said, "Hey." and Hayato asked, "Hey big sis, what's wrong?" and she answered, "Nothing but let's talk, Brother to Sister." 

She then closed the door and said, "Look, Me, Diondre, Carlos, and Alejandra were talking, and we think that before we go with that franchising idea, we need to do something about that wall." and Hayato replied, "I know, and I have a plan." Kohane asked, "What's the plan?" and Hayato told her, "The news thinks that we killed Leonardo as a protest to the wall so I'm thinking that we do some more 'protesting' if you know what I mean." Kohane then said, "Oh I get you; we should kill more rich people." but Hayato said, "No not that, I think that we should find the guy that made this wall happen." 

Kohane was confused and asked, "What do you mean?" and Hayato answered, "I had April go through some files and found out that the idea of the wall came from a man named Walter Montague, he was the main commissioner of the Rockford Chamber of Commerce before the wall was finally built and he stepped down and made Luke Michaelson and Darryl Markson take his place. The reason he wanted the wall built was because he felt like North Woodridge was more unique than all of the other districts and that it deserved to be its own little town and also because he despised the fact that poor people, especially poor black people were visiting and driving through North Woodridge and claimed that they were causing the property value to go down and he also claimed that this sub-district should be only for the rich, famous, and powerful to prosper and he made his wish come true when he had this wall built against city's and people of this sub-district's wishes and made North Woodridge into what it is today but that won't be for long. Here's what we'll do, we're make that rich fucker scared of us until he has no choice but to have that wall torn down. We'll kill him if we have to. Now go get everyone ready, it's time to make some Armageddon." Kohane nodded and went to tell everyone. 

Later, the entire Armageddon Squad Alliance was standing in the mansion's foyer lined up, side by side and Mr. Armageddon walked in from the living room and did a roll call and said, "Ok roll call people! April?" and April answered, "Here!" and Mr. Armageddon called out, "Creole Cheetah?" and Creole Cheetah answered, "Isit!" which meant "Here!" in Hatian Creole. Mr. Armageddon then called out, "El Capitan?" and El Capitán answered, "¡Estoy aquí!" which meant "I'm here!" in Spanish and Mr. Armageddon called out, "La Nina Flora?" and La Nina Flora answered, "¡Aqui!" and then Mr. Armageddon called out, "Lady Maja of Glasgow?" and Lady Maja answered, "Seo!" which meant "Here!" in Scottish Gaelic. 

Mr. Armageddon then called out, "Lord Connor of Ire?" and Lord Connor answered, "Anseo!" which meant "Here!" in Irish, then Mr. Armageddon called out, "Ms. Armageddon?" and Ms. Armageddon answered, "Watashi wa koko ni imasu!" which meant, "I am here!" in Japanese and then finally Mr. Armageddon called out, "Rasta Lion." and Rasta Lion answered, "Here!" and Mr. Armageddon said, "Ok, everyone's here, good!" and Lady Maja asked, "What about Lily and Lucy? Why didn't you call out their names?" and Mr. Armageddon answered, "Because even though they're part of our group, we don't need them right now for this mission. April's all we need for the mission but if the shit goes down technologically or if there's gonna be a big mission, THEN we call in Lily and Lucy." 

Lily then came out of the basement and said, "Then I guess you wouldn't mind if we came with you on the mission." and Mr. Armageddon replied, "Look, we can't risk you two getting hurt, especially in the frontlines." and Lily asked, "Then what was that I did back in Central Woodridge?" and Mr. Armageddon said, "First of all, you killed only one guy by yourself. Second of all, you had help from Alejandra and Mirlande to kill the second guy." Lily then replied, "Maybe if you gave Me and Lucy some of your hair, no one would have to worry about us getting hurt." and Mr. Armageddon told her, "I can't give you my hair unless it's an emergency." and Maja added, "Plus You, Lucy, Jordan, and Jamal have to stay here to keep an eye on Leopold and watch Fergus while we're gone." 

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