"Chapter 27: Birth of a Hero"

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During the car ride home, Mr. Armageddon was excited and said, "Hell yeah! We fucking did it!" 

Lady Maja was very happy but then she felt a small contraction in her belly and said, "Oof! I think our daughter wants to come out." Mr. Armageddon replied, "It's fine babe relax, it's just a tiny contraction. The Doctor said it's common at your stage." 

Lady Maja then said, "I know, but it feels like her due date calculations might've been wrong." 

Mr. Armageddon then said, "Look, we still have about three hours left on our drive, nothing's gonna happen in that time." 

A few hours later they had already passed through the Latinville district in Rockford, but Lady Maja's contractions started getting worse and she said, "Hayato! It's happening!" 

Mr. Armageddon then started getting stressed and nervous and said, "Ok, please relax Maja, w-we'll get through this. As long as your water doesn't break, y-you'll be fine." 

They then arrived at the Golden Clover Irish Pub in Dublinville and Mr. Armageddon got out and got Logan Callender out of the trunk and Donald Murphy was waiting for them, so Mr. Armageddon quickly handed Logan off and said, "Here you go, one Logan Callender! Bye!" 

He then rushed back into the car and drove to the Asia City District and during the ride, Mr. Armageddon called Kohane and she picked up and Mr. Armageddon frantically said, "No time to talk, Maja is having the baby now!" 

He then hung up and looked at Lady Maja who was extremely worried and saw a large puddle of liquid trickling down her seat and she fearfully said, "No, no, NOOOO! My fuking water broke!" 

Mr. Armageddon got scared so he pressed the gas hard and sped to the hospital. 

Once they got to the Imperial Mountain Medical Center, Mr. Armageddon then took off his mask and using all of his strength, carried Lady Maja to the Emergency Room and she said, "This isn't happening, this is not fuking happening!" 

Inside the Emergency Room, he put her in a wheelchair and told the front desk, "Lady Maja of Glasgow is in labor! I need a fucking doctor!" a team of nurses then came out and rushed Lady Maja to the delivery room and then Mr. Armageddon said, "Get Hanako Suzuki over here now! She needs to see her Granddaughter!" 

He then went through the doors and followed the nurses to the delivery room where Maja was now in a hospital gown and Mr. Armageddon got out of his outfit and put on a surgical gown, hairnet, and a mask and he stood by Maja's side and said, "Maja, I'm here!" 

Maja was yelling in pain and said, "Oh my god, this is horrible!" 

The Doctor then said, "Ok Mrs. Suzuki, PUSH!" 

Maja painfully strained and struggled to push out the baby and Hayato looked and saw the baby's head poking out and said, "Come on Maja! You're almost done! One more push!" 

Maja then breathed before painstakingly delivering one final push and out came Baby Makoto crying loudly and The Doctor held the baby and said, "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Suzuki, it's a Girl!" 

The Doctor then clamped Makoto's umbilical cord and snipped it off before he looked at the clock and said, "Time of birth, One AM February Sixth, Twenty-Seventeen." 

An hour later, The Doctor came back with Makoto swaddled in a bright white blanket and He handed her to Maja where she said, "Our Little Girl." 

She then held her close to her; Makoto was an average sized baby girl with light beige skin, short brownish red hair, and big seafoam green eyes; Hayato then said, "She's got both of our features, I just hope she has powers." 

Maja then said, "Stop thinking about that, Hayato. Just be happy our daughter is here; and to be honest, I wanna go home, my belly's already gone back to normal since giving birth." 

Hayato then said, "But the doctor said you have to stay here under observation." Maja replied, "Yeah, if I was a normal woman with no powers. Look at Me Hayato, I'm invincible; you could fill me with octuplets and my belly would still go down and retain its shape and I would still feel energized. So, let's just go home and take care of our baby there." 

Maja was about to leave but Hanako, Jiro, Kohane, and Alejandra came in and Hanako said, "Oh, there's My Grandbaby!" 

Hanako then took Makoto from Maja and held her and Maja asked, "What are you guys doing here?" 

Kohane said, "We've been here this whole hour, we came here as soon as Hayato called us." 

Alejandra asked, "So what did you guys name it?" Hayato answered, "It's a girl and her name is Makoto." 

Hanako's eyes sparkled in delight and said, "Aww, you named her after Your Grandmother!" 

She then looked at Makoto and said, "Hi Mako, I'm your Grandma Hanako and this is your Grandpa Jiro!" 

Makoto gave a nice smile to Hanako and Jiro and Hanako said, "Look! She likes her Grandparents!" 

Alejandra then held Makoto and said, "Hi Makoto, I'm your Tia Alejandra and this is your Auntie Kohane." 

Kohane then held her and said, "Hey kid, if you ever need help with anything, come to me." 

She then gave Makoto back to Maja and she said, "Come on, let's go home, I need something to eat so I can make milk for Mako." 

Maja then got out of the hospital bed, grabbed her stuff and everyone walked out of the room with Hayato holding Makoto in his arms. 

When they got home, Maja looked at Hayato and asked, "You remember to get that bassinet ready for Mako?" Hayato answered, "Don't worry, everything's all taken care of." 

Maja and Hayato then entered the room and were greeted by all of their friends and then Hayato and Maja's dog Fergus came bounding to them excitedly barking and Maja said, "Hey boy, I missed you!" 

She then crouched down and hugged Fergus before showing him Makoto and said, "Look Fergus, this is Makoto. She's your new baby sister and you'll be protecting her for us." 

Makoto looked at Fergus but got a little scared and began fussing but Maja calmed him down and said, "It's ok Mako, Fergus is a good dog and he'll be there for you when you need him." 

Maja then saw Connor and Mirlande and told Makoto, "Look, there's your Uncle Connor and your Auntie Mirlande and in her belly are your cousins James and Anthony." 

Hayato then asked, "So uh, when are you guys due?" Connor answered, "Well the doctor told us that next month is when they'll arrive." 

Maja then said, "Well don't believe them, because they're not always right when it comes to due dates. Believe me." 

Maja then took Makoto upstairs and Hayato sat down on the couch exhausted, and Connor asked, "What's wrong Hayato?" Hayato answered, "I think I should hold off doing jobs for a while." 

Connor said, "Well I think that's a good idea." Hayato answered, "It is but it just means that all the workload is being transferred to Kohane, Alejandra, Carlos, and Diondre. I'm just worried about whether they can handle it or not." 

Mirlande then said, "Hayato, those four can handle anything and if you're so worried about there being a shortage of Armageddon Squad members, it'll be solved down in the basement." 

Hayato then got up and said, "You're right Mirlande, you're absolutely right." 

He then went upstairs and saw Maja tucking Makoto into her bassinet before Hayato got in bed and said, "No more missions for a while hun, our child always comes first." Maja replied, "I know, and I'm prepared to be the best mother for her." 

She then got into bed with him, and they slept soundly together.

The Armageddon Squad Alliance 2: The Marvel YearsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin