"Chapter 14: Operation Civil War Phase II"

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After the explosion, Hayato opened his eyes to the sound of a fire alarm and the sight of a completely decimated room and then he looked and saw Prince T'Challa on his knees next to King T'Chaka who was lying on the floor and he said, "Alejandra! We need medical assistance now!" 

He then walked away, and Alejandra came into the room and asked, "Where the hell are you going?" and Hayato answered, "To track down that son of a bitch Alexander and His Friend."

Before he went down the stairs, Alejandra rushed over to T'Chaka and lifted his head up and T'Challa asked, "Can you save him?" and Alejandra answered as she healed T'Chaka, "He's ok." 

She then got a notification on her phone and opened it to see a news broadcast in German that said, "Authorities have identified the man who planted the first bomb as James Buchanan Barnes aka The Winter Soldier and the man who fired the rocket at the UN Headquarters was identified by Hayato Suzuki aka Mr. Armageddon as Alexander Schmidt, a former member of an Aryan Brotherhood organization in America."

 It then displayed security camera pictures of Alexander and supposedly The Winter Soldier and Alejandra could see the rage in T'Challa's face, so she examined The Winter Solider's picture and said, "Wait! That's not Mr. Barnes!" 

T'Challa looked at her confused and she said, "Mr. Barnes is SUPER ripped right? This guy looks skinnier than a palm tree." 

T'Chaka then woke up and T'Challa said, "Baba!" before hugging him and T'Chaka asked, "What's happening?" Alejandra answered, "Someone's trying to frame The Winter Soldier and we gotta tell everyone before they start tracking him down." 

Alejandra, King T'Chaka, and Prince T'Challa then ran out the room, down the stairs, and out of the building where they saw The Armageddon Squad with Natasha and Alejandra said, "James Barnes didn't plant the bomb!" 

Hayato looked at the security camera picture and looked closely and said, "Holy shit, you're right!" 

Maja then asked, "Natasha, can you give us Steve's number?" 

Natasha then wrote down Steve Rogers' number on a piece of paper and Hayato called it and Steve surprisingly picked up and asked, "Who is this?" Hayato answered, "It's Mr. Armageddon but before you say ANYTHING else, we just wanna ask you where Bucky Barnes is; we think he's in danger and he's being framed!" 

Steve then said, "I know, I saw the news." Hayato then asked, "So do you know where Bucky is?" Steve answered, "I have a hunch, but I don't know if he's really there." 

Hayato asked, "Where?" Steve answered, "Bucharest, Romania." Hayato then said, "We'll meet you there." 

He then hung up his phone and Maja asked, "So?" Hayato answered, "Romania." He then said, "Ok Maja, you're with me and I need two others to come with me." 

Diondre then said, "Yo man, Me and Carlos finna come with you." Hayato replied, "Ok, let's go." 

Kohane then asked, "What about us?" 

Hayato thought for a minute before saying, "Ok, I need You and The Rest of the Squad to help Lily and Lucy track down Alexander's whereabouts but for now, you guys need to get to Berlin." 

Kohane was confused and asked, "Why? What the hell is in Berlin?" Hayato answered, "Just trust me and go there. I'll call you." 

Hayato then walked away with his group and T'Challa said, "I'm going with you too!" 

Later that day in Bucharest, Romania; Mr. Armageddon and his group arrived at a safe house that Captain America had told them where Bucky had been staying so Mr. Armageddon radioed Captain America and said, "Cap, you in there? It's Mr. Armageddon." Captain America answered, "The German Task Force ambushed us! They're trying to attack Bucky but he's trying to escape!" 

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