"Chapter 21: For Whom The Wedding Bells Toll Part II"

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After a couple days of planning, it was now July 2nd, 2016; Maja Mackinzie's Nineteenth Birthday and the day of Her and Hayato Suzuki's wedding. 

Hayato was in his room getting ready by putting on a fancy black tuxedo and His Groomsmen and Best Man walked in and Diondre asked, "So you guys are really doing this?" Hayato answered, "Yep, we are, and nothing will ever stop us from doing this. I am finally gonna be the proud married father Toshinori never was." 

Hao then said, "Glad you feel that way Hayato." 

Hayato then said, "Actually I wanna tell you guys something." 

Carlos asked, "What is it?" Hayato sighed and answered, "After Me and Maja get married, we're gonna take a long honeymoon and won't be back for a while and until we come back, Kohane will lead you people for now." 

Diondre, Carlos, Connor, and Hao were shocked and Diondre asked, "Hayato, are you sure that's a good idea?" Hayato answered, "I know it's gonna be a pretty big change but it's only temporary and we're only gonna be gone for about a week and a half. So, until then, it's Ms. Armageddon and The Armageddon Squad Alliance." 

Connor then said, "Hayato, they want you at the altar." 

Hayato then finished tying his bowtie and Diondre asked, "You ready?" 

Hayato then breathed to calm himself down before answering, "I'm ready." 

Hayato, Hao, Diondre, Carlos, and Connor then walked outside together and while they were going down the aisle, Hayato's mother Hanako hugged him and said, "I'm so proud of you son, please treat her right and make sure she treats you right." 

Hayato and his Groomsmen then stood on the right-hand side of the altar with the Officiant in the middle as they waited for Maja. 

Inside the house, Maja was in her wedding dress which used to belong to Hanako; it was a fancy long white dress with sheer sleeves and a medium-size cleavage window and Maja said, "What do you know, Hanako's dress fits me." 

The Bridesmaids and Maid of Honor then entered the room and Lily said, "I can't believe you're actually getting married." 

While a Hairstylist was braiding Maja's hair Celtic style; Maja replied, "I know it seems a little early, but I genuinely believe that this is the right choice. Plus, I'm pregnant with his child so marrying him had to happen." 

Kohane then got off the phone and said, "Girls, Loki and Odin are here, and they brought Milena with them." 

Maja then said, "Good. Because I wanna see that whore's face when she sees me marry Hayato." 

Alejandra then said, "I just hope The Avengers don't get violent with them." 

Maja's father Angus then walked into the room wearing a suit on his upper body and a kilt on his lower half and he said, "It's time Maja. Ready?" 

Maja was very nervous, but she breathed to calm down and said, "Let's go." 

Angus and Maja then held each other's arm, and they walked outside, and everyone stood up as the pipers and drummers played while Maja and Angus walked the aisle. 

Once they got to the altar, the Officiant said, "Friends, Family, we are gathered here to celebrate the union of Hayato Suzuki and Maja Thrudsdottir Karlsson Mackinzie the Second in Marriage. Who here gives this woman up?" Angus replied, "Me." 

He then let go of Maja as she got up on the left-hand side of the Altar and held Hayato's hands and the Officiant said, "Before we begin, the couple has written their own vows." 

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