"Chapter 16: Operation Civil War Phase IV"

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Meanwhile back at the Task Force Base, Secretary Thaddeus Ross was in the glass meeting room with Tony Stark and Natasha and Secretary Ross asked, "I don't suppose you have any idea where they are?" Tony answered, "We will. GSG9's got the borders covered. Recon's flying Twenty-Four Seven. They'll get a hit. We handle it." 

Secretary Ross then said, "You don't get it, Stark. It's not yours to handle. It's very clear you can't be objective as time and time again, I've asked You and Miss Romanoff to do your jobs, and yet neither of you still can't do it. Which is why I'm putting Special Ops on this." 

Natasha then asked, "And what happens when the shooting starts? What, do you kill Steve Rogers?" Secretary Ross answered, "If we're provoked. Barnes would've been eliminated in Romania if it wasn't for Rogers." 

Tony then said, "All due respect, you're not gonna solve this with Boys and Bullets, Ross. You gotta let us bring them in. Besides, The Armageddon Squad really didn't do anything wrong. From what Natasha told Me, they helped out during Vienna." 

Secretary Ross then said, "Barnes attempted to kill dozens of ambassadors AND King T'Chaka and The Armageddon Squad kidnapped a world-famous Psychiatrist! It doesn't matter if they helped out or not." 

He then asked Tony, "Plus, how would You, going after The ASA end any differently than the last couple times? Because right now, they're most likely teaming up with your old friends, so there's no knowing how much damage those people together would be able to cause." Tony answered, "Because this time, I won't be wearing Loafers and a Silk Shirt. Seventy-Two Hours, guaranteed." 

Secretary Ross then said, "Thirty-Six Hours. Barnes. Rogers. Wilson. Suzuki!" 

He then walked out of the room and Tony said, "Thank you, sir." 

After Ross left, Tony put his hand on his chest and asked, "My left arm is numb. Is that normal?" 

Natasha then got up and put a hand on Tony's shoulder and asked, "You all right?" and he answered, "Always." but then he said, "Thirty-Six Hours. Jeez." 

Natasha then said, "We're seriously understaffed." 

Tony then said, "Oh, Yeah. It'd be great if we had a hulk right about now. Any shot?" 

Natasha quietly scoffed and asked, "You really think he'd be on our side?" Tony answered, "No." but Natasha said, "I have an idea." and Tony asked, "Me too. Where's yours?" Natasha answered, "Downstairs. Where's yours?" 

A smile went across Tony's face as the next day, The Armageddon Squad arrived at the Berlin Airport's Parking Complex and saw Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, and Wanda Maximoff and Mr. Armageddon came out of the truck and greeted them, "Cap, Hawk, Falc, Witch." 

The rest of the Armageddon Squad came out and Sam said, "Jesus, I knew you'd be coming but I didn't think you'd bring the whole calvary." 

Mr. Armageddon then said, "Don't worry; Lily, Lucy, and Hao here are our science and technology team, so they'll be assisting us ON the battlefield while they're OFF of the battlefield and once Tony sees us together, he'll have no choice but to stand down and join us." 

Steve then asked, "So how about our other recruit?" 

Clint then went to the small white van where He and Wanda arrived in and said, "He's raring to go. I put a little coffee in him, but he should be good." before he opened the side door to reveal a man named Scott Lang sleeping in the backseat, but the sound of the door jolted him awake and he got out of the van and asked, "What time zone is this?" but then he saw Steve and shook his hand excitedly and said, "Captain America!" Steve replied, "Mr. Lang." and Scott said, "It's an honor and I'm shaking your hand too long." 

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