"Chapter 25: As Time Goes By"

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In the months that followed, The Armageddon Squad Alliance quickly rose to fame receiving many Product and Media deals and along with their business deal with the gangs of Rockford, The Armageddon Squad Alliance received their own gang to enforce and protect the territories that were North and Central Woodridge. 

This gang was dubbed The Soldiers of Armageddon; made to protect and serve those who live in The Armageddon Squad's territories. 

But The Armageddon Squad Alliance's fame wasn't the only thing that changed, the members did too; Hayato's hair was now a bit longer and he had a light stubble on his chin and his skin had gotten tan and he had a couple more tattoos, Maja had cut her hair to mid-length and had celtic tattoos all over her arms and her pregnant belly had grown significantly in the months during, Carlos and Diondre had gotten married in the early autumn of Twenty-Sixteen and both grew a short chinstrap beard and mustache but Diondre was now nineteen and had short dreads while Carlos remained the same age and now had a High Fade haircut, Kohane was now twenty-one and got married to Alejandra in late July of Twenty-Sixteen with both of them now having long hair, Connor and Mirlande were now both nineteen years old had gotten married in the late winter of Twenty-Sixteen with Connor now having long slicked back hair with a long braided goatee on his chin while Mirlande had long braided hair and her pregnant belly had also grown in the months during. 

It was now February 5th, 2017, and Hayato and Maja were at the Imperial Mountain Medical Center with Kohane and Hayato's mother Hanako and The Doctor was giving Maja an ultrasound and there, they looked at the video of their baby and The Doctor said, "There she is, still a healthy baby girl." 

Maja was happy and said, "She gets more beautiful every time." 

The video showed Hayato and Maja's baby girl and she had a similar facial structure to Hayato but had a couple of Maja's facial details and her eyes were closed, and her hands were closed into fists and Hanako said, "Aww, My Granddaughter is dreaming." but Hayato said, "I still can't believe we haven't thought of a name yet." Kohane replied, "Don't worry Hayato, You and Maja will think of one when she arrives." 

The Doctor then said, "Alright, it looks like your daughter is still perfectly healthy and she should be due to arrive anywhere between two days or a week." 

Maja then said, "Well I don't care, I'm just excited for her to finally arrive. These nine months have been hell for me." The Doctor replied as she cleaned the gel off of Maja's belly, "Tell me about it." 

Hayato then got Maja out of the chair and put her shirt back on and The Doctor said, "Ok, only thing I recommend is you take it easy until it's time, I think Lady Maja of Glasgow deserves a nice break anyway." Maja replied, "Alright, whatever you say doc." 

Hayato then walked Maja out of the hospital and back to the car where she said, "You do realize that if I have to take a break, you have to, too." Hayato replied, "I know, but someone's gotta take charge if we're gonna stay afloat." 

Kohane said, "Don't worry Hayato, Me and Alejandra will run the group till Maja's due date." Hayato replied, "Thank you Kohane." 

Then everyone got in the car and Hayato drove back home. 

At the mansion, Hayato got a call from Donald Murphy of the Belfast Bastards and Hayato answered it and asked, "What is it?" Donald replied, "I got a problem. One of My Bastards is a fuking rat and he's left the state." 

Hayato asked, "Alright, I'll have someone find him. Who is he?" Donald answered, "Logan Callender, he was one of my lieutenants; last known location was in Eureka, California but he could've left by now." 

Hayato then said, "Alright look, if it's that important, I'll have Ms. Armageddon look for him. Just give me his home address and his phone number and I'll give it to her, he could be waiting for someone to call him." 

Hayato then hung up, but Maja asked, "You think maybe we could do one more mission together before The Baby comes?" Hayato answered, "No, because at the stage of pregnancy you're at, you're very vulnerable and you could go into labor at any moment." 

Maja then said, "That's why I wanna do this, I want us to have at least some kind of fun before we become parents." 

Hayato then sighed and said, "Alright fine, but protect that belly at all times." 

They then got in their outfits and left the house.

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