An old acquaintance

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Herobrine landed quietly, well hidden in the deep bushes of a Jungle biome. After briefly checking if he was alone, he disappeared into a small cave. The night in the Overworld was slowly but surely coming to an end.

Without paying much attention to the monsters, who immediately retreated into the darkness of the cave corridors at the sight of him, he continued until he came to the small turnoff that led to the room with the nether portal, the same one that Nuka had gone through into the Nether not so long ago.

Normally Herobrine didn't use the portal, since he could teleport between dimensions without much difficulty, but he had just attacked and destroyed another village that night. Exhausted, he didn't feel like wasting his energy on another teleportation when there was a portal nearby that would take him directly to his castle.

Entering the small room, he looked thoughtfully at the portal. It was still activated and glowing gently, making strange sounds.

He built it shortly after he became free so that he would know immediately when Notch closed off the dimension again.

That never happened and after all this time Herobrine didn't believe that it ever would. The resources of the Nether had become indispensable for the Minecrafters and their uproar over the closure of the Nether would be far too great.

Not to forget that Notch with this action would inevitably send some Minecrafters to their deaths. Herobrine thought grumpily while striding towards the portal. Those bastards always made it into the Nether somehow!

With this thought, he stepped through the portal and arrived into the Nether.

The heat welcomed him like an old friend and the sounds and surroundings were so familiar that he immediately felt safe and secure. The sight of his castle made him think of Nuka again.

I wonder if he's still asleep? He asked himself as he slowly walked towards his castle. I hope he didn't have another one of his nightmares again.

Herobrine sighed.

He knew that taking care of a person like Nuka wouldn't be easy. Being tortured in Steve's dungeons for a week had been more than horrible after all. He had not expected that it would be this complicated!

Nevertheless, he was still glad that he had saved Nuka, even though he was still aware that his friendship with the boy stood more than on shaky ground. He still felt that he didn't deserve it, especially now that he could see the consequence of his decision to leave him behind in Skylor.

The thought of his past actions made his heart unbelievably heavy...

The boy had taken weeks to recover from his injuries and even now he was still extremely jumpy, refusing to leave the castle or use his powers.

But that wasn't what really worried Herobrine.

No, what worried him most was that, since his rescue, the boy had been getting terrible nightmares that pulled him out of sleep every night and left him disturbed and afraid, not being able to sleep again.

Herobrine couldn't remember how many times he had rushed into his room only to find him crying and shaking in fear.

He had done his best to calm him down but he knew he was not doing it well due to his almost non-existent social skills.

That's why he began brewing sleeping potions for Nuka, using herbs from the overworld and the old recipes, that he still remembered from the time when he had been Brian and lived in the castle of Skylor.

He didn't think that he would ever need this knowledge again, but he was glad he remembered it, since the potion proved to be quite effective.

Herobrine knew this wasn't the best solution, but he didn't know what else to do. He could not sit by Nuka's bed all the time and watch over him. He had other things to do.

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