Back in Chains

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Nuka opened his eyes tiredly and blinked sleepily into the bright daylight that shone directly into his face through the window.

He didn't know how long it had been since he and the others had appeared in the city full of magicians and subsequently lost consciousness, but it must have been a few hours since it had still been deep night when they arrived.

Feeling tired and still somewhat sleepy, he wanted to turn his head to look for Herobrine and Einshine and ask them what had happened, when he suddenly heard voices conversing that hadn't noticed he was conscious again.

One of them belonged to Einshine, which he recognized immediately, but the other voice was much too high, so it couldn't possibly be Herobrine. Nuka froze as he heard her.

Who is that?! he wondered alarmed, as he tried to calm his racing heart, while desperately trying to figure out what to do next!

"Can you really do nothing more for him?" Nuka paused as he heard Einshine's concerned voice. Was he talking about Herobrine?

"Unfortunately, no," the second unknown voice replied sadly, sounding very tired, which relieved Nuka as it meant she was a lesser threat, but he remained vigilant.

He still didn't know who the person was and what powers they had.

"I'd like to, but for some reason, my spells seem to hardly work at all, and until I figure out what the problem is, I can only help him to a limited extent. And as long as he's not awake, I can't apply any potions to him," the second voice continued, "Right now, all I can do is hope he recovers on his own."

So they were really talking about Herobrine, Nuka concluded, before he opened his eyes and looked around cautiously. The first thing he saw was Herobrine, who lay on a mattress diagonally across from him and still seemed to be unconscious.

Kneeling beside him was a young woman with reddish-brown hair and a black dress that resembled the robes of the magicians, which led him to conclude that she must also be one of them. However, he could not see anything else about her as she had her back turned to him and seemed to be tending to Herobrine.

Opposite her, on the other side of the wall, he saw Einshine, who sat on his own mattress and also looked at her skeptically.

At that moment, his gaze fell on the window, and he froze as he discovered the iron bars there. Immediately, the old nervousness rose in him, causing him to turn to Einshine, who had also turned to him and whose face immediately brightened when he saw Nuka.

"Oh, hey Nuka," he said a moment later with a friendly voice, before he raised his hand and, to his horror, discovered an enchanted iron chain on his wrist, which, together with a second one, probably attached to his other wrist, led to an iron ring in the middle of the room. From there, two others led towards Herobrine, and a glance at his wrists showed Nuka that he too was chained to the ring with both hands.

Nuka stared at them in disbelief. This was what he had feared the most, and he felt himself begin to tremble as the memories of his time in the dungeon came rushing back to him with full force. Memories of a cell, that he was trapped in helpless, scared, and in pain, with no way out, no escape... He had to get rid of the chains! Now!

"No, no, no, no, no!" he whispered quietly as he grabbed one of the chains and frantically tried to pull it off his wrist, but it wouldn't budge, making him even more desperate and panicked.

"Nuka, are you okay?" he heard Einshine ask with a concerned voice shortly afterwards, but Nuka didn't respond.

He was still trying to get the chains off, while tears began streaming down his face, trembling all over, before he collapsed into himself with a sob and buried his head in his hands, more images appearing in his mind's eye.

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