The Warning

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It was completely silent in Herobrine's big castle, but that did not bother Nuka.

On the contrary, he rather enjoyed the silence that this great Masonry brought him. As a result he could read the book he had just found in the library without distraction.

But just as he was about to start reading, this happened!

The door to the library flew open explosively and several people entered the room. Nuka couldn't recognize them at first, but when he finally did, the blood in his veins froze from the shock!

In front of him stood a couple of soldiers who looked suspiciously like the ones who had chased Nuka all the way to the Nether. Moreover, in front of them was none other than his former Tormentor himself!

,,Well well well, Nuka" he replied with a nasty grin on his face, "did you miss me?"

Nuka stared at him unable to say anything. He could feel his body start to shake.

He dropped the book, spun on his heel and ran away as fast as he could through the long corridors of the castle!

While he ran, he desperately tried to find a hiding place or even better Herobrine, but neither of them could be found and not only that!

The walls became darker and darker, the familiar red of the Netherbricks disappeared and was replaced by the gray, thicker, much larger bricks that Nuka knew only too well from Steve's dungeons...which only increased his fear and panic!

He had to get out of here as fast as he could!

But no matter where he ran, every time he sooner or later ended up in a dead end.

Desperately he tried to use his powers to teleport himself out of here somehow, but nothing worked.

Frustrated and close to tears, Nuka hit the rock wall that once again blocked his way before turning around and looking for another exit, when he suddenly noticed a shadow on the wall.

A shadow that frightened him terribly.

,,Where do you think you're going, kid?" he heard the taunting voice of his tormentor whisper behind him a moment later, "Do you really think you can just run away?"

Nuka froze before slowly turning to look at his Tormentor who was standing at the entrance to the dead end he was now trapped in.

He grinning evilly at him.

"Forget it!" he continued a second later, "You will never leave this place again! You will never get away from me again!"

With these words, he pulled out a whip and slowly walked towards Nuka with it.

At the sight of the whip, Nuka whimpered softly and cowered in a corner of the wall.

He only wanted to go home...

At that moment he heard someone call his name!

First he thought it would have been his Tormentor, but when he heard the voice a second time he realized that it was his mother!

Startled and surprised, Nuka lifted his head and looked at his mother. She was standing in the hallway instead of his Tormentor, looking at him with a worried expression.

What was she doing here?

But before he could ask her, she was at Nuka's side, looking at him with a pitying face.

,,I'm so glad I finally reached you," she continued without further ado, addressing Nuka, who was still staring at her, stunned and confused, "I'm so sorry you're having this terrible dream, but you have to listen to me now, I don't have much time."

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