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Herobrine stared at him in shock and indignation when he heard that.

How could he start with this now?!

The others also gasped in alarm at his words and retreated from him and Nuka, which only made Herobrine angrier.

But what did he expect?

Of course, they would react so short-sighted.

"What?!" Roxana asked a moment later, appalled, before turning to Herobrine and looking at him in disbelief. "Why didn't you say anything?"

Herobrine glared at her grimly.

But before he could respond, Steve began speaking again.

"Yeah, why didn't you say anything, Herobrine?!" he asked with mock reproach in his voice.

"And don't you dare tell me you didn't know!" he continued with an angry tone a second later. "You know Null and Nuka better than anyone else here! You must have noticed it!"

Herobrine glared at him angrily when he heard this.

Of course, he was the one who had to antagonize him again.

Why couldn't they just discuss all this later?

Didn't they have bigger concerns now?

"Come on, spill it!" Steve continued with a sharp voice. "What did you hope for? Did you hope that Null would spare your life if you brought him Nuka and showed him how close their powers are? Or did you not say anything because he's a spy for Null?"

"Shut up!" Herobrine snapped angrily at that moment. "How can you say something like that?! How can you even suggest something like that after he just saved your life?!"

He sighed angryliy.

"I didn't say anything because I knew how you would react!" he continued with an annoyed voice a moment later. "Because I knew that you would prejudge Nuka and treat him differently if you found out he has the same powers as Null!"

"And as it looks, I was right," he added with a grim look, causing the others to look guilty, except for Steve, who just snorted contemptuously.

But before he could say anything, Roxana chimed in.

"But how can that be?" she asked with a puzzled look at Nuka. "How... how can he have his powers?"

"I... don't know," Herobrine admitted after a short pause, which made Steve snort again.

"He's lying," he claimed coldly, which finally pushed Herobrine over the edge.

"That's not true!" he snapped a second later in Steve's direction before turning back to Roxana. "I really don't know!"

"And he knows just as little," he added with a brief glance at Nuka. "He must have some connection to Null, but in what form I cannot say..."

"But he must have inherited them, right?" Roxana asked softly, to which Herobrine just shrugged.

"Well, I can't imagine any other way he could have gotten them," he replied. "But his powers are clearly weaker than Null's, and he doesn't seem to have the shapeshifting ability at all, so I don't know how closely related he is."

"But whatever he is," he added with a weary voice. "He's definitely not on Null's side! Null doesn't know anything about him!"

"How do you know that?" Steve asked disapprovingly. "Did you ask Null about it when you were still allies?"

"No, I didn't!" Herobrine snapped sharply. "Because... because I was afraid he would do something to the boy!"

Maybe I should have asked... he added thoughtfully.

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