Secret Reunion

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It was already dark when Notch opened his eyes and sat up cautiously.

He had spent the last few hours waiting for everyone around him to fall asleep and now it seemed that moment had finally come.

He glanced over to the other bed where Steve and Jason lay close to each other, peacefully asleep.

Notch sighed deeply as he observed them both. He would have to talk to Steve about it, but first, he had to take care of something else.

Notch closed his eyes and felt the guilt tearing at his heart as he thought about how angry Steve would be when he found out what he was planning.

"Don't go!" he heard his brother's sharp voice saying in his head again. "Believe me, Notch, it's not worth it! He's not worth it."

Notch swallowed hard as he thought about it.

That's exactly what Steve had said to him shortly after they learned from Ethan that Herobrine had regained consciousness. Probably because he knew exactly what this information would do to him.

But he couldn't help it. He... he had to see him.

Even though he knew it wasn't good for him and it would probably only break his heart even more.

But he had to do it.

He had to!

It had been so long... since... since the last time he had seen him.

With this thought, Notch sighed softly before getting up from the bed as quietly as he could, trying not to let the dizziness and headache affect him.

He managed to reach the door without waking either of them but he needed a moment to catch his breath and mentally cursed his weak, aching body before cautiously opening the door and slipping through to the other side.

As Notch walked through the empty corridors of the large house, he could feel the nervousness and worry inside him intensify.

He had to hurry!

He didn't know how long it would be until morning and the fear of being discovered and brought back to his room grew with every step.

Luckily, he and Steve had been given permission to move around the house and the accompanying courtyard, so he knew exactly where to go to get to where he wanted. In that moment, he spotted a staircase leading downstairs into a room with several armchairs, carpets, and small tables, with several doors branching off from it. The largest of which would lead him to the main hall.

However, Notch didn't turn towards it; instead, he turned around and headed towards a smaller inconspicuous door that he knew led to the basement and the dungeons.

Notch's heart skipped a beat as he laid eyes on it. If he passed through it, he would be at his destination, but just before he could grab the doorknob, he heard a clearing of the throat behind him.

"Where are you going?"

Notch startled and spun around, only to see Ethan suddenly appear at the foot of the stairs, studying him with a thoughtful gaze.

"E-Ethan!" he stammered finally, his voice filled with embarrassment. "I... I didn't know you were still awake."

"I'm always awake," Ethan replied with a tired smile before his face turned serious again. "But why are you?"

"I, uh..." Notch answered slowly as he desperately searched for a good excuse. "Just wanted to... take a walk?"

With those words, he smiled crookedly and looked at Ethan uncertainly. But Ethan didn't seem like he believed his statement.

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