Necessary Fresh Air

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Shocked, Nuka stood there and watched as Herobrine went down with Notch.

He wanted to swing another hit at Notch but before he could strike again he was grabbed by Steve and pulled away from Notch.

Notch sat up in shock and stared at Herobrine with a horrified expression.

Herobrine was still trying to reach him but Steve was holding him back.

"Get off of me!" he growled angrily, trying with all his might to break free from Steve's grip but Steve seemed to have no trouble holding him.

Instead, he tightened his grip and forcefully threw him back, causing him to crash into the nearest chair, where Ethan swiftly used enchanted chains that appeared out of nowhere to restrain him.

"What is wrong with you?!" Steve yelled at him, while Herobrine tried to get up and struggled against the chains. He quickly gave up.

Apparently, the little energy he had left had vanished and the pain from this action was now taking its toll.

Nevertheless, he still glared at Steve with angry eyes.

"What do you mean?!" he spat in Steve's direction. "He deserves it! Every little pain he feels now, he deserves it and even more after everything he's done!"

"Brian..." Notch whispered softly in that moment. "I..."

"Don't call me that!" Herobrine snapped at him. "I'm Herobrine! Brian," he continued with a hateful gaze, "fell down a ravin!"

"You should be grateful that he stopped me," he snarled angrily at Notch. "Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to stand up right now!"

"That's enough!"

Ethan's loud voice silenced Herobrine, who then turned and knelt beside Notch.

"Are you okay?" he asked with a concerned voice, while Notch continued to sit there, staring at Herobrine with a shocked expression. At Ethan's words, he looked up at him and quickly shook his head.

"Yeah... Everything... Everything is fine," he replied with a slightly trembling voice before quickly standing up and turning away. "I need to go... go and get some fresh air..."

"Notch, wait!" Steve called after him, but Notch was already gone.

Poor guy, Nuka thought as he looked at the door through which Notch had just disappeared. I'm sure he didn't expect his first meeting with Hero to turn out like this...

With that thought, he turned to Herobrine, who was now silent and instead started glaring at Steve with hateful eyes.

I've never seen him so angry at someone, Nuka thought as he looked at Herobrine with a concerned gaze. I mean, he was angry at me or Einshine before, but not like this. Not to the point where he forgets his own injury and disregards his own well-being just to harm someone and wouldn't give up until his body couldn't keep up anymore.

Nuka swallowed hard as he thought about it.

I'm really glad Steve managed to separate the two, he added mentally and he could feel an unpleasant feeling rising within him. Who knows what would have happened if he didn't...

"Well, look at him running away!" he heard Herobrine say in a contemptuous voice. "Like a coward... of course... how pathetic..."

"But what else can I expect," he added with a disdainful snort. "It's not like he is capable of anything else."

Nuka froze as he heard that, while Steve whirled around and stared at Herobrine with an hateful look before swiftly moving towards him!

Nuka froze and he felt fear welling up within him as he realized what Steve intended to do!

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