Trust Issues

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Herobrine looked at her in shock when he heard that!

"No!" he snapped sharply, causing Roxana to step back in surprise.

"W-why not?" she asked, obviously confused, leaving Herobrine speechless.

What should he say to her?

He didn't want to overreact like that because he knew she would ask, but he couldn't possibly tell her the real reason, or he would make a complete fool of himself!

Why didn't I respond more calmly? He thought, frustrated, while he searched for an answer that would satisfy Roxana and not embarrass him.

"I... will get lost!" he finally managed to say, earning him an incredulous look.

"Well...yeah, if you give me poor directions," she replied seriously, which only made Herobrine snort in annoyance.

Of course, she would respond like that...

He sighed.

"Let's just say I have a good reason to keep the layout of my castle to myself..." he grumbled eventually, causing Roxana's green eyes to widen, before looking at him in shock.

"I can't believe it," she whispered with a sad shake of her head before turning back to Herobrine with an accusing gaze. "You really think I would take the information I get from you and share it with others so they can later plan an attack or something on you?"

Herobrine looked away when he heard that.

That wasn't the main reason, but he wouldn't argue.

He was just glad he found a reason that Roxana understood and that wouldn't completely embarrass him, so he just shrugged.

"Why not?" he replied curtly. "Steve would do it that way if he weren't half dead, and the other two would be happy to help him!"

"The only reason they're not doing it now is Steve's condition and their unwillingness to get lost and freeze," he added disapprovingly, while she still looked at him incredulously.

"And do you really believe I would do such a thing...?"

Herobrine looked surprised when he heard Roxana's voice, which was now more broken and quieter than before.

He looked up and found her hunched in front of him, but instead of looking at him with kindness or determination, her eyes were dark and sad, like a puppy unfairly punished by its owner.

It really seems to hurt her, Herobrine thought, feeling a pang in his heart as he looked at her But why? What did I do wrong?

"I... well..." he hesitated as he tried to get into a more comfortable position, avoiding looking at her.

Why did he feel so bad?

"So... it would be easy for you... especially since you're a mage. You can create fire and keep warm... and... and than you can snoop around... without me being able to do anything..."

But the real reason I don't want you to go is that I'm afraid you'll just leave me here to die... he added in silence, feeling his heart constrict.

It was a foolish reason, and he hated himself for feeling this way, but most of all he couldn't admit it to her!

"I... I understand," Roxana replied with a soft sigh, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear and briefly smiling before her face turned sad again. "I just thought that after everything that happened, you would trust me by now..."

Herobrine raised his eyebrows in surprise when he heard that.

Oh, that's what sat her of he thought.

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