Successfull Rough Journey

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With slow steps and trembling legs, Jason fought his way up a sand dune.

He was so tired...

So incredibly tired, but he knew he couldn't stop.

He had to keep going.

He had to reach his goal before it was too late!

In that moment, he slipped and fell, sliding back down the dune before he was able to catch himself.

"Are you okay?" he heard a concerned voice ask from behind shortly after, turning to face Aurora, who was a few steps behind him. She looked terribly tired and exhausted, but the fear was still in her eyes, driving Jason forward as well.

"Y-yeah, all good," he murmured quietly, stood up and quickly knocked the sand from his brown pants, his blue robe and his dark blue cloak, before continuing on his way.

How long had they been on the road?

It must have been weeks by now, but it felt like it was only yesterday when he had fled from Steve's castle with her.

The castle that the shadow had attacked and destroyed... Jason closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as he remembered.

It had been a completely ordinary day.

He had gotten up, trained with the other guards, completed tasks, and constantly worried about Steve's whereabouts, since he never went anywhere without letting him know beforehand, until suddenly the sky had darkened and an explosion had shaken the castle.

Alarmed, Jason had ran to the throne room, where he had seen Steve in the middle of the room, holding a brightly glowing staff in his hand.

He had laughed derisively and used his staff to destroy everything in his path before turning to the throne and announcing that a new era was about to begin.

Jason swallowed hard as he thought about it.

That Steve was not the one he knew.

And he had been right.

Because shortly after, when the high council appeared and confronted him, Steve had blurred and transformed into the shape of a young man who resembled more a living shadow than a person.

Jason shuddered and felt his heart tighten as he remembered the bright flash of light and the screams of his comrades, followed by the dark laughter of the shadow.

He had killed them all with his staff..

That laughter had burned into his brain and was the reason why he was here now. Although not entirely.

He had actually intended to flee the castle to look for Steve, but had run into Aurora on his escape, and they had fled together, barely escaping the city.

Jason's heart became heavy as he thought about it.

His colleagues and most of the other Minecrafters had not been so lucky.

Either they had been stabbed by one of the countless figures that looked suspiciously like the first shadow with the staff and whom neither swords nor axes or other weapons could do anything, or they had been trapped behind the barrier that had suddenly appeared and now enclosed the entire city.

Jason's gaze darkened as he thought about it, and he felt his hands clench into fists.

He didn't like the idea of leaving his comrades and the other Minecrafters to their fate, but he realized that he couldn't do anything against this powerful opponent alone.

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