Deep Talk

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Unfortunately, her search for Nuka proved to be more challenging than she had expected. The cave was very complex, and Aurora had to clear mobs from her path using her bow repeatedly.

As a result, she had soon used up 10 of her 20 arrows.

But I can't turn back so soon, thought Aurora stubbornly as she looked around one of the cave passages with multiple branches, and from one of them, she could even hear flowing water. I've only been on the road for less than half an hour!

But there was no choice; she had to go back.

She had promised Roxana.

Aurora sighed and was about to turn around and leave when she suddenly heard a sound coming from the tunnel with flowing water.

Curious, Aurora turned to the tunnel and followed it until she reached a small cave with an underwater stream.

To her delight, she spotted Nuka sitting by the shore, gazing sadly at the water.

"There you are!" she exclaimed in relief, causing Nuka to startle and quickly turn to her.

"What are you doing here?" he demanded to know, and the sharpness in his voice made Aurora jump.

"I... I wanted to fetch some water," she replied finally, holding up the empty bucket. Nuka relaxed a bit and sighed.

"Oh, yeah... I forgot about that," he muttered quietly before turning back to the water.

Aurora stood there for a moment, uncertain, but since Nuka continued to say nothing, she decided to continue the conversation.

"But I'm also here to search for you and bring you back," she continued, moving a bit away from Nuka to collect some water.

"Really? And why?" asked Nuka, looking at her with surprise before smiling. "Are the others afraid I wouldn't come back voluntarily?"

"To be honest, yes," Aurora replied, causing Nuka to raise his eyebrows, and you could see curiosity flashing in his sea-green eyes.

"Who?" he asked, and Aurora felt a pang in her heart when she noticed the hope in Nuka's face.

He wants me to say Herobrine, she thought sadly, and her heart pinged heavy as she continued the sentence, knowing she couldn't give Nuka the answer he wanted to hear.

"Roxana," she finally continued with a sad voice, "but only because Einshine claimed that you wouldn't come back."

"I see," Nuka replied softly before turning away again, and the disappointment was evident on his face. "Why did he claim that?"

"Well, he said he wouldn't if he were you," replied Aurora softly, causing Nuka to smile briefly.

"Understandable," he replied quietly before his face turned troubled again.

"But you still want to go back?" Aurora asked, puzzled, whereupon Nuka nodded ,,Why?"

"I mean, I completely understand if you wouldn't want to return.", she added fast, before sighing ,,Herobrine... he treated you horribly. To be honest, I'm surprised he hasn't killed you a long time ago."

Nuka sighed deeply upon hearing this.

"You're right," he finally replied, to Aurora's surprise. "Herobrine could have killed me at any time. He could have just woken up one day and thought, 'Hey, I'll kill this guy now,' and he would have succeeded. But he didn't. And with that act, he showed me more kindness than the whole world ever has."

With those words, he sighed again, before turning and looking her dead in the eyes.

"I know you think Hero is a terrible guy," he continued without hesitation, before looking away again "and maybe he is. But you have no idea what my relationship with Hero is usually like. None of you know. You might know how he treats other people, but he has never been like this with me before."

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