The Update

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Einshine's head shot up, and he looked around alertly.

Hadn't he just heard something?

Something that almost sounded like a rumble, but it had been too distant to determine clearly.

Worried, Einshine closed his eyes and tried to listen again.

What could it have been?

"So, what are we going to do now?"

Einshine grimaced as Jason's loud voice broke the silence, depriving him of any chance to hear anything else.

"You said yesterday that we would make a plan tomorrow on how to defeat Null and return the powers to Steve and the others."

"I know," he heard Roxana say moments later in a tired voice, "but it won't be that simple."

She had been the last on the night watch and was probably just as exhausted as everyone else who had also kept watch, although Einshine thought the whole thing hadn't really been necessary.

Only Herobrine and Steve had been able to sleep through the night, but really need it.

They still looked terrible...

Well, not that I care, Einshine quickly added before he could feel any more pity for them. The only reason I'm still here is because of Nuka...

With this thought, he turned his gaze to Nuka, who sat next to Herobrine, munching on his half-eaten piece of bread that Roxana had given him for breakfast.

Well, if you can even call it breakfast... he added, looking at his own piece of bread.

But he knew it wasn't Roxana's fault.

They just didn't have anything else left...

"We have to be very careful when it comes to Null," Roxana continued with a serious tone. "After all, he has the powers of three gods in his hand, not to mention his own. Can we even defeat someone like him? We don't even know where he is..."

"If I may interject," Steve chimed in at that moment with a raspy voice, "I'm pretty sure he's in my castle. At least he wanted to take us there after taking over, to... to get rid of us... and it would also explain why he created the barrier around them."

"Well, even if that's the case," Roxana continued with a concerned tone, "how are we going to get there? We're still near Melodia, and with you and Herobrine in tow, it will take weeks to reach Skylor, especially if we only move underground. And even if we didn't, it would still take far too long..."

"If I may interject," Einshine raised his head and looked surprised as Herobrine, who was still tiredly sitting next to Nuka, spoke up.

"Instead of wasting our time traveling through the Overworld, we could use the Nether. We would get to Skylor much faster, and we could stop by my castle and..."

However, startled gasps from the others and a mocking snort from Steve interrupted him.

"Oh, what a suggestion," he replied a second later, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Why would you allow us to that? You never let anyone into your castle. Or do you plan to kill us when we get there? "

"Listen," Herobrine responded with a deep sigh, visibly annoyed by Steve's response, "I know the Nether is dangerous. But it's our only chance to get to Skylor in time... besides, we're running out of food, Roxana has almost no potions left, and hardly any of you have weapons or armor to defend yourselves, let alone fight against... against Null. But we can get all of that and more from my castle, so why shouldn't we go there?"

Sunset (English Version)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora