Into the meeting

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Nuka sat once again on his mattress in the corner of the cell, his legs pulled tightly to his body and his eyes staring gloomily ahead.

Several days had passed since he had lied awake and accidentally observed Notch visiting Herobrine and he still didn't know what to make of it.

He was still confused and frightened about his likely relation to Null, which was already more than enough to keep him awake at night, so he would have preferred not to have seen Notch in the midst of it all, as it only added to his worries.

He still hadn't told Herobrine about it and he wasn't sure if he should, knowing that it would only make him more angry.

"I can't believe nothing has happened yet!"

Nuka lifted his head and looked over at Herobrine, who was sitting leaning against the wall, looking quite agitated.

By now, he had recovered well enough to sit up and even take a few steps, albeit with some pain.

However, it hadn't improved his mood, much to Nuka's displeasure, although he could understand it.

In the past few days, he had become increasingly restless, and sitting here in the cell all the time was also fraying his nerves, just like Herobrine's rants about this and that.

I mean, what does he expect to achieve with all this complaining? Nuka tiredly wondered, casting a slightly annoyed look at Herobrine. No one can hear him except Einshine and me, and we can't do anything.

"What are they waiting for?!" Herobrine continued his rant in that moment. "For Null to show up and kill us?!?"

"Do you really think Null will still find us?" Nuka interjected, feeling his nervousness grow at the thought. "I mean, it's been almost a month since we escaped the End."

But Herobrine snorted in response.

"You have no idea, Nuka," he added with a grim look. "He may not have found us yet, but I assure you, he's still searching for us and he will find us sooner or later! He always does."

With those words, his face darkened, and it seemed like he was briefly lost in thought before returning to the present.

"But can't the barrier around the city protect us from him?" Nuka interjected, but Herobrine only laughed coldly in response.

"The barrier..." he repeated with amusement before his expression turned grim again. "The barrier can't protect us from anything at all. All it does is shield the city from external eyes and warn us if someone more powerful than the wizards infiltrates the city. But should this happen, it will already be too late..."

He sighed.

"So why aren't they doing anything?!" he burst out again, to which Nuka could only sigh.

"Perhaps they are," Nuka tried to appease him. "And we just don't know about it."

"Oh yeah?" Herobrine retorted grimly. "Then why does Roxana tell us every time that nothing has changed?!"

Nuka had nothing to say to that.

It was true but he wasn't so sure if they could trust Roxana in this regard.

After all, despite being friendly to them, she was still a wizard and Nuka doubted that she would pass on such valuable information to prisoners like them, assuming she even had them.

However, Herobrine seemed to see it differently, which surprised Nuka. Usually, he was very skeptical of claims from others, especially strangers.

"I think you're overthinking things," Einshine suddenly chimed in, who had also been sitting in the corner the whole time, listening with a half-annoyed, half-bored expression.

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