A questionable rescue

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Nuka gasped in shock as the cold, bony hand of an Enderman grabbed and teleported away with him before he could do anything about it.

Seconds later the world around him materialized again.

They seemed to have landed on a large sandy square, with several houses around them that looked very different from the ones Nuka had seen so far.

Instead of stone and wood, they seemed to be made only of sandstone and their roofs were not pointed and high but completely flat and had only very small windows, which, however, had no panes.

The others also seemed to have been brought here by the other Endermans, which relieved Nuka greatly, even though he still didn't know where they were. What he could say though was that they were in the Overworld. He could tell by the dark night sky above him and the cool wind.

Even though the answer might frighten him, he was still wondering which place this was.

However, he didn't have much time to look around anymore, because shortly after they appeared, loud shouts were heard and they were shortly surrounded by several people, who also didn't look like the Minecrafters Nuka had encountered so far.

They all wore black robes and had a staff in their hands. The staffs were completely different and uniquely built for each of them and now aiming at Nuka and the others.

The only thing they all had in common was a different colored gemstone at the end of the staff that shone brightly and made Nuka very nervous.

A short moment later, they had all set up in front of Nuka and Einshine and were pointing their staffs directly at them.

"Don't move!" one of them snapped at them in a sharp voice, "Put your hands over your head! Now!"

,,You better listen to them, Nuka," he heard Einshine say in a low, grim voice, while he himself slowly raised his hands behind his head, "You don't want to get on the bad side of the Magicians."

Nuka looked at him in surprise when he heard that.

"Magicians?!" he repeated in amazement, but before he could ask Einshine more about that, one of the Magicians stepped forward and held his staff under his nose.

"Hey, are you deaf or something?!" he shouted at him, "Hands above your head, Now!"

Startled, Nuka obeyed quickly and raised his hands above his head while still looking at him with curious eyes.

He had never really seen a Magician before.

Only once, when one of them had visited their village, but Nuka could hardly remember it, since he was very young at the time.

The only thing he could recall was that the fireworks that he had conjured up with the help of his staff and thus enchanted him and all the other children.

Other than that, he only knew about Magicians from the stories he had heard from his mother or other people.

They told him that Magicians were friendly but strange minecrafters who had the gift of using abilities similar to those of the gods.

Of course, they were not even half as powerful as them and could only use their powers in a controlled way with the help of a staff, but they could still be dangerous, especially when they attacked together.

However, they mostly kept to themselves and were therefore considered rather snooty among the other Minecrafers. Especially because they rarely shared their magic or inventions with them and even had their own city in the desert.

Nuka's heart stopped short and his eyes widened as he thought about it.

Could it be?

Were they really...

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