A whole new world...

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A loud crash interrupted Herobrine before he could say anything more to Roxana and before he knew what was happening, the ground beneath them suddenly broke away and transformed into a steep incline!

Herobrine managed to grab hold of the remains of a pillar just in time before he discovered the huge chasm full of green and sometimes slippery figures that seemed to have opened up from one of the cracks.

Herobrine wanted to take a closer look but he was distracted by a scream.

He was shocked to discover Roxana, who had fallen to the ground due to the incline and was now sliding towards the abyss.

Herobrine had the presence of mind to reach out and grab her by the arm before she could slide any further and fall into the abyss.

"D-don't worry...I...got you!" he said through clenched teeth as he used all his remaining strength to hold on to her.

Unfortunately, there wasn't much of that left either and Herobrine felt his heart skip a beat as he realized he wouldn't be able to hold her for much longer...

No! Herobrine thought grimly as he gripped her hand tighter and searched more desperately for a way to somehow get her out of harm's way I won't let you go! I can't! I'm already about to lose Nuka....


Alarmed at the thought, he hastily looked around for the boy and the blood froze in his veins when he also spotted him on the lowered ground towards the abyss, which fortunately was not as steep as the one he and Roxana were on.

For a moment, Herobrine was relieved and his relief quickly turned to hope when he realized that Nuka actually seemed to be moving.

But his hope quickly turned to confusion and then even worry as he saw Nuka weakly raise his staff. Its crystal hit the ground, causing him to slide a good distance towards the abyss before he stopped.

Luckily he didn't slip any further, Herobrine thought reassuringly, but his worry quickly returned when he saw Nuka raise the staff again and hit the bow a little harder, causing him to slip again, almost sending him over the edge of the precipice.

What is he doing?! Herobrine thought alarmed as he watched in horror how Nuka was still trying to strike the staff to the ground again despite the danger he was in.

"Nuka, stop it!" he shouted a second later in panic and tried to get up to run to him, but was interrupted by a fit of coughing.

At the same time, he realized that he was still holding Roxana and therefore couldn't get to Nuka anyway.

Herobrine looked down at her uncertainly and for a brief moment he actually considered letting go, but as soon as he looked into her worried, shimmering green eyes, he knew he couldn't do that.

She was simply too important to him for that.

Especially as he was probably far too weak to even be able to cover the distance to Nuka before he collapsed and fainted.

But I have to save him somehow! He thought desperately as he turned his gaze back to Nuka and froze when he saw him raise his staff to hit it on the ground again!

Something that would definitely send him over the edge.

"NO!" he screamed and desperately reached out for Nuka, but it was too late!

The staff slammed to the ground and the last thing Herobrine saw of Nuka was him sliding over the edge before an explosion of white light took his sight and soon his senses...

(A short while later)

Herobrine didn't know how much time had passed. At some point he regained consciousness and immediately sensed that something was different.

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