Home sweet home

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As soon as she got to the other side, an unusually warm but welcoming wind greeted Aurora, but which, as she quickly realized, was the only beautiful thing about the Overworld.

The sun had disappeared, and the sky had taken on an eerie red-orange hue, with dark black clouds passing overhead and strange black particles rising from the ground before disappearing into nothingness again.

Even the houses around the place where the portal was standing, appeared abandoned, looking as if they had all been struck by multiple explosions. Aurora's heart froze as she observed the burnt and destroyed walls and roofs, realizing that even if there where people around,no one would be able to live in them anymore.

But that was by far not the worst.

The worst were the bodies!

Countless blood-soaked bodies, dozens of them, all of people of various ages, lay everywhere on the ground, some still with the weapons in their bodies that had taken their lives...

Aurora felt sick to the stomach, as she looked at the whole massacre, and suddenly feld a deep desire, just turn around and run back into the Nether, to escape all of this horror.

Something she had thought a few weeks ago that nothing would ever make her do that...

But she knew she couldn't go back.

Not only because she had a duty as a soldier to fulfill to her country and her ruler, but also because of her sister and also because it would go completly against what Nuka would have wanted.

Aurora's heart painfully tightened as she thought of the boy with the sad eyes who had stood by the river and who had such a terrible life, but despite that still spoke so gently and kindly with her.

Who would have thought that she could empathize so much with a hybrid?

A loud, shrill scream made her startle, and her focus returned to the present!

Her head jumped up and she was startled to find that the shadows with red eyes, the same ones that had chased her during her first escape through the city, were now dozens on the square and had spotted them, before rushing towards them with drawn weapons!

"Run! Now!" she heard Jason shout a second later, that already jumped down from the small platform where the portal stood, followed by Aurora and the others, zigzagging across the square to evade the shadows, hoping to reach at least one of the houses, before the shadows catch up on them!

But they didn't get anywhere close to that...

They weren't even halfway across the place before they were surrounded by the creatures, that now started attacking with full force, ready to kill them!

Aurora heard the cries of her companions, mixing with the hissing and screeching of the shadows, but she had no time to look around to see if they were ok!

She already had to use all her skills in sword fighting to keep these monsters at bay, even though she knew all too well that it was futile.

No matter how many arms or legs she severed or how many bodies she cut through, the shadows quickly regenerated and attacked again without hesitation, without showing even the slightest sign of pain.

Just like it had been during Null's takeover of the city...

The only difference was that they now wore significantly stronger enchanted armor, which was the only reason they hadn't fallen yet.

But it was only a matter of time until one of them got injured, making this fight quickly come to an end, which was becoming more likely the longer they were stuck in one place!

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