A hard truth

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Nuka froze and the world seemed to stand still as well.

He couldn't believe what he had just heard.

He swallowed hard, feeling himself trembling, while the words—the dreadful, terrible words, the words he had never wanted to hear—echoed in his mind like a broken record, getting louder and louder until he could no longer deny the truth, the cold, ugly, heart-wrenching truth.

All his fears, all his worries since the conversation with Herobrine had now come true.

"No..." he murmured softly, before violently shaking his head, his voice getting louder until it broke with anger and desperation, tears streaming down his face. "No. No! NO!! This can't be! That...that is not true!"

"Believe me, I don't like it any more than you do," he replied coldly, which only made Nuka angrier!

He wanted so much to jump up and punch this guy in the face, make him pay for everything he had done to him and his mother, for destroying his world. But as much as he tried, he once again couldn't free himself...

"T-This...this can't be..." he finally managed to say with a voice shaking with anger, "You are...You are not my...! My mother would never...never associate with someone like you!"

"Oh, of course not," Null responded flatly, "But she never knew it was me."

With these words, he smiled and transformed into a young man, dressed inconspicuously, with fair skin, dark hair, and blue eyes, whom Nuka had never seen before.

"Usually, I don't stoop to this," Null continued in the form of the man, "but unfortunately, her family got the books they wanted very rich and had to put a spell on them that ensured they'd be destroyed as soon as someone not belonging to the family took them from their place."

He snorted contemptuously.

"You have no idea how annoying it was and what I had to endure until we were engaged and I could finally get those books, but it was worth it," he grinned maliciously.

"After all, they are the main reason why I have this lovely staff here now," he added with a satisfied, brief glance at the staff before turning back to Nuka and changing back into his old self.

"I'm surprised she survived the fire I caused afterward," he added with a thoughtful look. "But I'm even more surprised that she didn't leave or kill you right after your birth."

"Though she never knew my true identity," he mumbled thoughtfully before shrugging and turning back to Nuka with a wicked grin. "I guess she was just happy that her boyfriend, her only true love, who tragically died in the fire, gave her a child."

Nuka clenched his fists as he heard that.

"No! Stop!" he demanded desperately, knowing what Null had in mind, but he ignored his plea and just grinned.

"I wonder if she would have raised you if she knew the truth," he taunted, causing Nuka to scream, close his eyes, and turn away, his heart shattering at these painful words, the worst he had ever heard.

"I'm surprised she didn't get rid of you when she first saw your powers," he mused thoughtfully, causing Nuka to turn back to him and glare angrily, tears streaming down his face again. "Maybe she thought her boyfriend was a hybrid? Possible, but no matter what it was," he ended with a cold look, "a child was never on my planning list!"

"But fortunately, that's easily changed."

With these words, he narrowed his eyes to slits and raised the staff, which now glowed red again, on Nuka's chest, but he just stared at him expressionlessly.

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