The interrogation

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When Nuka regained consciousness again, most of his pain was gone.

But his joy over that didn't last long tho, since as soon as he tried to move, he noticed that he was severely restricted in his movement. The clanking of chains only confirmed what he fread over moments before he had lost consciousness.

He was imprisoned again.

His no longer burning eyes immediately flew open as he realized this, before his head lifted quickly to look around to see where he was.

He was in a dark, long room, made entirely of stone, with a few torches on the walls and a long table with several chairs, one of which he seemed to be chained to. Nuka barely had time to look around, as his attention was rather focused on the people gathered around him at the end of the table. They were all looking at him with different faces, mostly full of hurt and confusion.

Nuka quickly lowered his gaze and shame welled up inside him, whereupon he allowed his vision to involuntarily fall on his feet. They were tied to the legs of the chair with enchanted obsidian chains, the same material that probably bound his hands behind the backrest too, making it impossible for him to use his powers.

Nuka swallowed hard as he looked at his shackles and felt the familiar fear creeping up inside him again.

It was terrible to be chained up again, but for the first time he felt as if he deserved it.

Just as he was thinking about it, one of them took a step forward and Nuka's heart stopped beating for a second as he recognized Jason.

Of everyone here, he seemed to be the angriest, but Nuka was afraid he couldn't blame him.

After all, he had been pretty hard on him during his abduction of Steve.

"Oh, surprised to see me on my feet again?" he asked darkly, to which Nuka quickly turned his face away and winced slightly, trying not to look at him to much.

In the dim light, he looked even more like his former tormentor...

,,You're really lucky Roxana was here! Everything wouldn't have happened so quickly without her!" At the last words, his voice turned sour, causing Nuka to slump even more.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered ashamedly, but Jason didn't seem to calm down.

"Yeah, yeah, save it!" he interrupted him coldly instead, "Better tell us why on earth YOU KIDNAPPED STEVE?"

He literally shouted the last words, which made Nuka shrink and tremble, knowing that only the presence of the others prevented him from beating him up for it.

"Well?!" he continued sharply after a few minutes of silence, whereupon Nuka only lowered his eyes in shame.

How was he supposed to explain all this?

No matter what he said, in the end they would surely see him as a traitor...

Especially if they found out about his direct relationship with Null...

Nuka grimaced as he thought about it.

"Speak!" Jason hissed at that moment, grabbing him by the collar and yanking him up, causing the chains to painfully straddle his wrists and ankles, "Or do we have to whip you again to get an answer!"

Nuka froze and looked in shock at Jason's furious face which was now inches from his own.

He wouldn't really do that, would he?

But before he could say anything, Aurora, who had suddenly appeared next to him, grabbed Jason by the arm, giving him a stern look.

,,Jason! Stop it! That's enough!" she told him in a surprisingly sharp voice, "You're forgetting what you're saying! I know you're angry but we can't possibly torture him like that again!"

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