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Hey, guys I'm sorry I haven't upload last time but I was a little bit sick and could hardly grasp a clear thought, so I couldn't wirte anything good. Anyway I'm good now so here is a new chapter for you. I'm sorry its so short but I had to split it into otherwise this would be way too long. But regardless I hope you will still enjoy it ^^.

Aurora stood there and watched with a sympathetic gaze as Nuka stormed past her, disappearing into the darkness of the cave, which she had actually intended to seal.

Poor guy, she thought as she gazed into the yawning darkness before her. Then, suddenly, she heard a loud, angry voice.

"What were you thinking?!?"

Startled, Aurora turned around and saw her sister, who had positioned herself in front of Herobrine, glaring at him with an angry expression.

He looked up at her with a surprised and bewildered look, but Roxana wasn't finished yet.

"How could you do something like that to the poor boy?!" she continued to rage, causing Herobrine to flinch at her loud voice "Nuka has been nothing but kind to you this whole time and this is how you repay him?!"

Aurora stood there in shock while observing the scene.

Roxana didn't often have outbursts of anger, but when she did, it was best to get out of her way as quickly as possible, especially if you were the reason for her anger.

But instead of responding or snapping back at her, Herobrine just sat there, staring at her with wide eyes.

Apparently, he wasn't accustomed to being yelled at by anyone but Aurora didn't mind that at all.

It was more than justified after the way he had treated Nuka.

However, even though Aurora was pleased that someone was reprimanding him for it, she wished it were someone else and not her sister.

After all, it was still Herobrine she was talking with.

I just hope he doesn't come back and seeks revenge after potentially regaining his power Aurora thought with concern as she watched Roxana, who seemed rather indifferent to the possibility of retaliation.

Instead, she continued to rant.

"Do you have any idea how terrible Nuka must feel now, after you berated him like that?! Have you even thought for a second about what you might be doing to him? He's your friend, for crying out loud, not your subordinate!"

"And don't even try to tell me that you're Herobrine, and I'll regret this later!" she added a moment later before Herobrine could respond. "I don't care who you are or were! Right now, you're a nobody!"

,,If you want to kill me for it when you regain your power, go ahead," she concluded with a bitter tone, "but it still won't change the fact that I'm right!"

She sighed.

"I thought you had changed since Nuka joined you," she continued in a calmer but still bitter voice. "I thought that something other than murder and bloodshed finally mattered to you, but apparently, I was wrong. You still care about nothing, and Nuka pays the price for it every day."

"You didn't deserve to be able to call him a friend," she concluded with a grim voice. "You don't deserve him at all."

After that, silence filled the room as Roxana shook her head again in disappointment, apparently finally done with her rand. Herobrine had lowered his gaze and wasn't looking at her at all.

I wonder what he is thinking right now Aurora thought as she looked at him but before she could think about it any further, a mocking snort filled the room.

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