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"So... here we are," Herobrine continued with a tired, annoyed voice as he pushed open the doors to the armory next to the training hall which had chests lined up along its walls.

The walls, floor, and ceiling in this room were made of Nether bricks, illuminated by a few Glowstone blocks in the floor that slightly dazzled Herobrine as he took a few steps into the room and looked around.

He normally barely used this place.

He only came in occasionally to store the weapons and armor left behind by fallen Minecrafters in front of his castle.

Of course he didn't need these weapons but that wasn't the reason why Herobrine kept them.

No, they served more as his trophies, a clear proof that no one could defeat him no matter how powerful their weapons were.

That was also why he didn't like the idea of having to give some of them back to the Minecrafters now but he understood that they needed them to defend against Null.

Who would have thought I would ever really need this room for this? Herobrine thought as he stopped in front of one of the many armor stands set up against two walls.

Next to them, he had hung some frames with weapons that had particularly good enchantments, although none of them could surpass his own sword.

"Choose whatever you want," he said to the others, taking a highly enchanted diamond sword from its holder and examining it with a scrutinizing gaze ,,I have more than enough."

The others didn't have to be told twice.

"Wow! All these weapons are more than incredible," Aurora exclaimed a moment later as she knelt next to one of the chests and pulled out two highly enchanted bows that she examined with wonder before turning to Herobrine "Where did you get all of these?"

"Oh, you don't want to know," Herobrine replied with a wicked grin, whereupon her astonished face dropped and turned white.

She looked at the bows and dropped them in shock and disgust but Herobrine didn't care.

After all she was the one who asked the question.

Without another look at Aurora, he turned away and went to the back part of the storage, where he stopped and stared at an inconspicuous wall before turning to the side and pressing a button that was hidden behind a wall of chests.

Shortly afterward, the wall separated with a loud clack, revealing a small inconspicuous chest containing nothing but a single diamond sword.

Herobrine smiled as he took it out.

He had crafted this sword not so long ago as a surprise for Nuka but instead of using the crafting table, as most did, he had forged it himself using old techniques, just like humans used to do.

However this was forgotten by most now, since nowadays you could make weapons using a crafting table which was simpler and faster but Herobrine wanted to do it the old way, since you could achieve higher quality, and you could customize it yourself, making it slightly different from ordinary diamond swords.

It still had taken a while and he had needed several attempts until he was satisfied with the result. But he was in no rush, since his original plan was to gift it to Nuka on his next birthday, which was still many months away.

But given the current events, he wanted to give it to him now.

Who knows if I'll even get the chance later, he thought darkly as he held the sword, looking thoughtfully at the small 'H' engraved at the bottom of the handle, indicating him as the maker. It would be a shame if we all die tomorrow and he never got to see it. If I give it to him now then...then at least all my work won't be entirely wasted...

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