Time's running out

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Hey Guys, I'm back from vacation and have made you a new chapter as a gift!

I hope you like it ^^

"So you're telling us that we're going to die whether we manage to hide from Null or not?"

Herobrine sat looking grimly at Steve, who had now also stepped up to the table and was looking at Ethan with a dismayed expression.

He had spent the last few minutes recovering from the pain he had received from his action with his brothers as well as worrying about Nuka, whose face had suddenly become cadaverously pale, before suddenly ran away without turning around again.

I wonder why he ran away? Herobrine thought as he turned his head slightly and squinted for the hundredth time at the door through which Nuka had disappeared.

He was definitely afraid of something. But of what?

Hopefully, he won't meet Notch while he's outside, he added bitterly, looking at Ethan, who was now propped up with his hands on the table and suddenly looked very tired.

"That's right," he replied while sighing deeply, "I already had this idea when you started sounding like you were having trouble sleeping, sweating, headaches and dizziness, even though you had already recovered from the deprivation of power."

,,At first I didn't think it was important," he continued in a serious voice, "but then Notch started having similar symptoms and I started to get worried. I'm pretty sure Herobrine has them too."

With these words he briefly turned his gaze to Herobrine, who just glared at him coldly, even though he was right.

He also had these symptoms, but until now he had always assumed that they were related to his wound and would soon disappear with it.

That they now had something to do with the loss of his powers did not please him at all and he could feel an unpleasant feeling spreading within him as he thought about it

,,That's why I started to investigate," Ethan continued in a serious voice, "and unfortunately it confirmed my suspicions.

,,But I don't understand," the boy next to Steve bursted out and although his voice was firm, Herobrine could clearly hear the underlying tension in it, "why should they still have to die?

"It has to do with their power," Ethan replied sadly, "Without it, their bodies are no longer able to function."

,,But we used to live without these powers and had no problems" Steve protested, whereupon Ethan only sighed again.

,,Yes, but now your body has become accustomed to this power," he answered him simply, "It is like a drug. Only with the difference that it doesn't harm the body, but helps it and makes it live much longer than it actually could. Like a hinge that always remains flexible through good oiling."

,,But if you leave out the oil," he continued in a serious voice, "it begins to rust and finally breaks."

,,In other words, our bodies have acquired a taste for this power and now cannot function without it," Herobrine interrupted him, annoyed, to which Ethan nodded in agreement.

,,Exactly. But that's not all. Another reason is probably that your bodies are long past their expiration date, even tho they have been frozen in time by your power."

,,Are you saying Steve would be okay if this had happened within his normal life expectancy?" the boy next to Steve asked again in shock, to which Herobrine just rolled his eyes.

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