Better this way

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"I... I know it's stupid," the boy continued with a quivering voice, head still lowered and now audibly on the brink of tears. "I mean, I know he's not him, he can't be!"

"But my mind," he sniffled desperately, huddling even further and his hands clenching the soft sheets, as if seeking something to hold onto. "just won't be convinced..."

"You don't know how much I hate this!" he burst out unexpectedly a moment later, his face contorted with anger and despair as the first tears began to stain the white sheet before him. "I know that Jason might not be the best person on Earth, but it's not fair to judge him like this!"

He sighed and shock his head.

"How am I supposed to go on like this?" he concluded, wiping his eyes with one hand, while Herobrine observed him with a sorrowful gaze.

Herobrine didn't like asking Nuka this question at all because he knew what it would trigger in him. But, it was the only way to find out how to help him.

Especially since now he understood what Nuka was going through, because he had experienced something similar feelings long ago, shortly after his release from the Nether.

He had attacked a village, like he always did and everything was fine until he suddenly encountered a person who looked surprisingly similiar to Notch.

Of course, it wasn't him, but Herobrine vividly remembered standing there, shocked, staring at the young man as thousands of memories of friendship, trust, betrayal, pain, and more from Notch and Steve surged within him.

Herobrine grimaced and ran a hand over his face as he recalled this moment.

He had fled then, filled with fear of being imprisoned again or facing an even harsher punishment.

Only later did he realize that he wasn't Notch and subsequently, after Null scolded him and threatened him with punishment, he returned and destroyed the rest of the village.

Herobrine sighed deeply as he reminisced.

That wasn't the last time such a thing happened, but he never fled from a village again.

Instead, he had punished those who resembled his brothers even more than others, unleashing his anger on them.

However, it had taken centuries until he was not faced by these doppelgangers anymore and Herobrine doubted that Nuka had the time for that.

Especially since a scolding like Null had given him back then probably wouldn't help since it didn't help him either.

Herobrine snorted quietly, attempting to push aside his anger toward the traitor, before turning his attention back to Nuka.

The young man had lowered his gaze again and still seemed quite despondent.

"I understand..." he murmured softly, before sighing and sitting up a bit straighter, knowing what he had to do now. "But you know... you don't need to face Jason again if you don't want to."

Nuka's head shot up at these words, and he looked at Herobrine with confusion and surprise.

"How?" he asked, sniffling again, wiping his remaing tears away with his hand, and sadly smiling. "Are you planning to kill him?"

"No," Herobrine replied, also with a slightly amused smile before his face turned serious again. "But instead of coming with us, you could just stay here."

Nuka froze, staring at him with wide eyes upon hearing that.

"Stay here?" he repeated incredulously, to which Herobrine simply nodded.

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